Chapter 45

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It's been a week since the news came and there have been people pouring in by the dozens and hundreds every day. News of a safe place to go away from all humans spread like wildfire after the revelation. Whole packs, clans, and covens would appear to try and escape their death or capture to be used as experiments. Humans really are scared of the unknown and their first thought are always to kill or study like lab rats. There was hardly any danger for both sides when we lived side by side unknown to the world but now that we are known, our side is in the slaughter house.

Humans could easily be dominated by us but there were so many of us who had friends that were humans and we knew that they were just scared we didn't have the heart to attack them. I myself would never let that happen growing up thinking I was a human myself, not unless we were attacked. Luckily humans haven't quite figured out where we were yet. But I also feel like the only way to really see how things were to go there myself to see just how bad the situation was instead of just listening to it second hand.

The advisors were still trying to come up with solutions and trying to rein in the mess that was made with the couple council members who had came with my parents. When I asked them how they met them, I was a bit surprised.


"So how did you meet the council members you came with?" I didn't try being subtle at all.

"They were on the run as well," William answered, "we met them in the prairie grasslands of the Midwest. South Dakota I believe. But the most protected people of our kind were being hunted and stretched thin and the world hadn't even known the truth about us yet. I believe if the council was still strong, we may still be in the dark."

"South Dakota? What were you doing there?" I asked, "there's no cover in the Midwest besides crops."

William laughed, "I take it you've never been there. It's true it is a lot of prairie and crop land but there is plenty of space to hide there. Depending on where you go, there's not many people. Plus there's a lot more trees than you would expect and hundreds of lakes and tall prairie grasses to hide in. It's actually quite easy to hide there. As for why we were there, we had to pass through the Midwest to get here. You can't go from the west coast to the east coast without passing through it."

"Okay," I said a bit flustered not expecting that answer. I guess you learn something new everyday.

"Since we were all were on the run, we decided it would be best to stick together," William continued seeing as I didn't have anything else to add. "We were weary of each other other of course but that disappeared and trust set in. You should have seen their faces when they realized what we were. It was priceless! They didn't think we were actually real. Just shows how well we hide from everyone."

"But that doesn't matter," Hannah added giving her mate a look to stop acting childish, because he kind of was. "All that's important is we all made it here safe. We couldn't have made it here without each other."

"Yes, I suppose so, and I'm glad you did," I said truly happy they did. I've gained a family I didn't know I had anymore and it filled something in me I didn't know I was missing. But there was still so much I didn't know about them and needed to learn before I could feel like I was apart of them.

End of Flashback

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and focused on what I was currently doing, which was beating the boxing heavy bag to a pulp. It was reinforced with material to make it more resistant to my punches and kicks.

I focused on my pattern punch punch kick punch knee punch punch punch round house kick and so forth adding elbows and anything else I could possibly do. I was going to destroy this bag if it was the last thing I do.

I may not be doing 'queenly' things but it's good to stay in shape and keep up skills. However I didn't want to do it with someone today so here I was by myself.

I didn't even notice when the door opened to the gym and someone popping in until they were near me because I was so focused on the bag. I paused in my demolition and stopped the bag while taking deep breaths. "Rebecca? What's going on? Shouldn't you be resting? You're almost due." It looked like she was going to give birth now any day and with how long our kind is pregnant, it really could be any moment.

I turned around at the end and she waved me off, "no, no, everything's fine. I'm just wondering how you're doing. You've been distant lately, is something wrong?"

I bitterly laughed, "no, just the world falling to pieces, the usual. I'm surprised Jaxson let you out of bed." My laugh turned real at the end.

She put a finger to her lips with a smug grin, "shh don't tell him. He'll drag me back, I just needed to do something besides lay around all the time. It's boring! I only got away because he fell asleep!"

My mood was instantly lifted, she knew what to say. Maybe the bag will live to see another day after all. "Well what do you want to do with this new found freedom while we have it?" I asked.

"Get out of here," she answered and she sniffed, "but you need a shower first."

"Okay, okay, I'll take a quick shower! Then we'll go." I picked up my things and started walking toward her but she stopped me placing a hand in my arm. "What-?"

She stopped me by breathing in again. "What is that smell?"

"What? My stink? I can't smell anything else if that's what you're referring too."

"No, not that." She waved me off, "something else. Something beneath that." Rebecca took another deep breath and her eyes opened wide. "Oh my, it can't be!"

She turned and started wobbling off as fast as she could.

"Becca!" I called after her and jogged a couple steps to catch up with her. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"I won't believe it till I see them," she murmured under her breath and continued on.

"Them who?" I asked.

She ignored me continued on her path. Well when dealing with a pregnant lady might as well let them do whatever they want because you won't get anything out of them.

I wasn't sure what we were following but I decided to try again. "Rebecca, who are we looking for?"

She suddenly came to a halt and stared at the end of the hall. "Mom? Dad?"

At the end of the hall was Hannah and William and they stopped and stared in amazement as well. "Rebecca?" They said in unison.


Here's the next chapter! Sorry it took so long to update. I hope you enjoy it! And any suggestions for Rebecca's baby name? I like the ideas for Skylar's siblings and I plan on using them so thank you very much for those. But otherwise, what do you think?




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