Chapter 58

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Wrong, I was very, very wrong.

Being a human again was so vastly different, I couldn't see how I was ever okay and how I was ever like this beforehand. I felt like, a piece of me was missing, and I was, but it was in more ways than just my owatt being gone. It was in the way that my eyes couldn't focus on things the way they used to before. Everything wasn't as bright or sharp as it used to be before. It was how I felt like I could hardly feel anything anymore. My senses were dull, I couldn't smell anything until I seemed to be right next to it anymore. Okay, so maybe that was a stretch, I could still smell farther than that, but it's still what it seemed like.

And not even to mention, my strength and agility were gone. That was probably the worst of it, you know, minus the whole being able to heal instantly thing. My shoulder would very much appreciate it if I could heal. I was so useless and ready to be back to normal.

Even my mental bond with Liam was gone, I could still feel him through our bond, but I couldn't talk to him. When I realized this, I kind of went bezerk until he calmed me down. I truly was human and there wasn't anything anyone could do about it.

Not only that, but there had been no sign of the assassin whatsoever after the attack. It was like he just disappeared, off of the face of the earth. Or Aelcrest more exactly.

"You know, it might not be so bad," Bailey was saying laying upside down on the couch in our living room, her feet dangling in the air. "At least for now, you can be normal again and you won't be forced to hear all the conversations around you if you forget to keep your wall up. Plus, you get to realize just how far you've come."

"You know," I responded pacing, "I don't want to be normal. I like who I am now. Who I was before was so frail, and I never realized that until now. But otherwise, yes, your right, not having to remember to keep the wall up is a perk, even if it was second nature."

"True, but don't forget to keep the wall up so others don't try to break into your mind," Bailey added.

I raised an eyebrow, "aren't the walls the same thing?"

Bailey shrugged and twisted around so she was sitting normally, "I guess so. Just for two different reasons."

I laughed softly, "of course." Rolling my eyes I sat down gingerly taking care not to jostle my shoulder too much. Coco jumped up on my lap and I stroked her gently. She purred and curled up on my lap after rubbing her head on my face.

"So now that we got that confusing thing all cleared up, we clarify that we should just keep the walls up all the time."

Bailey nodded in agreement, "yes, let's just do that and forget everything else that was just said."

"Agreed." I tapped my fingers against the desk. "So," I paused, "what should we do now?" Jeez I wished I was healed already. I felt so useless. 

"How about we leave this room?" Bailey suggested, "maybe just go for a walk?"

I have been couped up here for awhile. They released me from my hospital room four days after I woke up. I could hardly move during that time. My arm was in a sling so I wouldn't mess with the healing process by jostling it too much. Now it's been just over a week since being released and I would like to get this damn sling off. I felt good enough that it didn't hurt much anymore with being jostled. 

"Yes, how about we go see if the doctor will allow me to take this off now?" I nudged Coco off my lap and stood up. Maybe with the sling removed I would feel more like myself, my human self, but still myself. Just to feel more confidence I suppose.

"Sounds like a plan, want me to tell Liam?"

I shook my head, "no, he's busy, and I can let him know later. It's not that big of a deal."

The Myth that Became Realजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें