Chapter 38

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We followed them to the hospital but at a much slower pace to give the doctor's time to heal Jaxon and Rebecca. I was itching to move along faster to be there with them but I knew we needed to give them space to let them adjust and heal.

I looked up at Liam and I just couldn't help but imagine what if that was him? Sure he may get on my nerves at times and can be the biggest idiot as well but every time I look at him or he looks at me my heart flutters and so much love fills me to the bones. I couldn't imagine my heart life without him. My love for him went deeper than anything, I cared for him more than for myself. I would die for him and he would for me but if he did die I knew I would not be that far behind him. I know what they meant now about owatt mates and it being irreversible after mating. Living without him just wasn't possible, it hurt too much to even think of him gone.

In response to my realization, I wrapped my arm around his waist as we walked back to the hospital and without a word his own arm wrapped around me as well. Now I was grateful we walked instead of taking a car because I doubted I would be composed enough once we got there. And I was certainly glad we were alone at the moment. Others offered to walk with us, Bailey included, but Liam had refused and I am so glad he did because I needed this moment with him. He must have known that.

I then asked the question that was burning in the front of my mind. "Why do you think they're not healing?" They should have been healing by now because I remembered when I dislocated my ankle and put it back in place it was within minutes healed, also along with various other cuts and bruises. After fully transforming I heal even faster, so why weren't they? They should have been healed by now.

A low growl emitted from Liam's throat and I leaned away from him curious why he made that sound. He didn't let me move though and pressed me harder against him which I didn't fight because I didn't mind.

"Tanzanite," Liam growled, "the only thing that can truly wound us so we heal at the rate of humans. I could smell it on them. Gold will do good harm to us as well but recovery is nowhere near the time like tanzanite but it still hurts a lot. If we are truly harmed with tanzanite, it will most likely be fatal. And of course, the regular whole beheading won't allow anyone to come back from the dead."

At this I whimpered quietly, tanzanite was something I never wanted to come in contact with.

Liam felt my hurt and kissed my head. "Don't worry, tanzanite is rare, just like we are. We just need to stay away from hunters no matter what so it won't ever be a problem. That's why we are in our world and they are in there's."

That didn't leave me relieved but it was a start. Honestly, I didn't think I would ever be relieved until hunters were no longer a threat and I didn't believe that would ever happen.

And what about all those other people? They still needed our help. We couldn't just leave them because something was wrong on earth and we couldn't just stay here. We had to do something. It may not be safe but it was worse for them. There was no way I was going to sit back while they suffered. I just couldn't. "We have to do something," I voiced my concerns.

I felt what he felt and even touched the edge of his mind with my own naturally to see what he was thinking. I was happy to learn he felt the same. "I know honey, and we will. I still have people rounding up others who need our help and will accept it. They will still be able to get through once they get here but that's the best solution I can come up with until we think of something else. I'm sorry."

I sighed and tucked my head on his chest. "No, I understand. I just wish we can do more."

"Me too. The only thing I can think of is going to earth ourselves but the advisors wouldn't allow or recommend it and we are more of use here."

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