Chapter 11

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Pounding startled me awake and I landed on the hard wood floor with a thud. "Ow," I groaned. It's been a long time since I fell out of bed. Why couldn't the floor at least been carpeted?

I turned my attention to my door when the pounding started again. "Wake up!" A male voiced called, a very familiar one that belonged to a prick. "You have a half hour to get ready for training."

I groaned and complained, "why do I have to train?" I then looked at the clock to see it read five thirty in the morning. "And why this fucking early?" Mornings made me mean if you interrupted my sleep. "It's not even dawn yet! Why the fuck do I need to be up to train?" If you wake me up early, you were going to get a full tornado on your hands. Do not mess with me and my sleep. I may not have been a fan of curse words at all but mornings this early make those words apply.

"You need to learn about your Owatt side and be able to control it. Just because you're eighteen now does not mean you will have access to all your powers. You need to train them."

"Why does turning eighteen have anything to do with my powers and what if I don't want to train?" I yelled back. Coco came running up to me. She didn't like it when I yelled and would try to lick or nip at my face to make me stop.

"There's still much you have to learn. Now just get ready, the clocks ticking." I heard footsteps retreating from my door and I groaned again.

I fell against the bed and started petting Coco's soft fur. "Why does he have to be such a prick?" I asked her, "why can't he be nice? Would that be so hard?" She only meowed in response and rubbed her head on my hand. I scratched it at her request.

After a minute I sighed and slowly stood up stretching. "I guess I better get going to please his highness."

I dressed in black leggings and a blue t-shirt because it was the first thing I saw so I grabbed it. I shoved my feet into some tennis shoes and wrapped a sweater around my waist. I then left my room dragging my feet and yawning but feeling famished. There was no way I was not going to train without eating first or do anything else for the day for that matter.

I grumbled all the way down the stairs and to the kitchen. I had no idea what I wanted to eat but I knew for sure I didn't want cereal. That didn't keep me filled for long, I was always hungry again a half hour later.

I opened the fridge door and was blasted with a wave a cool air. I sighed in contentment before searching the fridge for something to eat. There was a lot of food and I wondered how we had it all considering we only got here yesterday and didn't have any grocery's with us. Shouldn't this all be expired by now? It wasn't though so I decided to eat an egg sandwich.

Instead of cooking it on the stove like I normally would, I found a glass bowl and cracked an egg in it, added some milk, mixed it around, and shoved it in the microwave for 45 seconds. It popped out done and I put it between my bread and cheese before eating it. I actually had two. I really was starting to eat more. I almost felt like I could have a third but refrained myself because I knew I wouldn't be able to finish it.

By the time I finished, Liam was coming down the stairs freshly showered and telling me, "ready to go? Come on."

"Wait," I stopped him, "aren't you going to eat?"

He had started to the door when I spoke but turned around to face me, "no, I already ate. Now let's get going. The faster we get going, the faster we'll be done."

I groaned, well, no getting out of this one. I was nervous and excited about training because I wanted to see what I could do. Looking back, I realized some things have been different in my life and my powers have came and gone at different times. It was scary and thrilling. I never thought anything like this was actually possible.

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