Chapter 43: (Part 2)

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"Ho-how Do you know my name?" I stuttered taking a step back.

"I would know you anywhere," the woman answered.

"Who are you?" I demanded not wanting to play any games.

"It's been sixteen years since I last saw you but your scent is so familiar and you look just like father except you have my hair. Oh darling, you look so beautiful. I can't believe it's really you!"

She came toward me with open arms as if to give me a hug but I took a step back stopping her in her tracks. "Wait," I said, you still haven't answered my question."

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry. It has been sixteen years since you last saw me. I'm your mother, Hannah."

"You're my... mom?" I choked.

"Yes, and this here is your father, William," she said pointing to a male that was holding a small child, who was about two or three, in his arms. She was right, he look a lot like me but I didn't want to believe it or think this was possible. "And these are you siblings," Hannah continued and gestured to four small children. The youngest was in William's arms and the other three didn't look past the age of twelve.

She continued to talk but I didn't hear her. How could this be possible? My real parents were dead. Why else would I have been raised by my adoptive parents. The guy, William, May look a lot like me or maybe me like him, whatever it is, but maybe that was just an owatt thing? Maybe we all look alike somehow, like with all of us having blue eyes or something. My parents wouldn't have just abandoned me. And what was up with all these kids? It's hard for owatts to have children yet they all look so similar. Why would they keep these children and give me up if this was true? "What? No!" I exploded suddenly as the woman stepped toward me again. "You are not my parents. This isn't real!"

"But-" Hannah said before I cut her off.

Liam also reached out to place a hand on my shoulder but I threw it off and exploded. "No! My parents are dead!" I then ran in the opposite direction and back toward the gate. I could not be there for a second longer. I needed to wrap my head around all of this.

I ran through the gate but I didn't stop. I kept running, faster and further then I had ever gone before. I didn't stop until I had ran out of breath and that was a challenge considering the endurance I had as an owatt. I studied my surroundings. I was no where near the trees of Alcrest. The temperature was warmer as well. I must have gone south somewhere. Everything was untouched, the world here new. So much of this world we haven't yet explored but it would be a shame to touch it.

However, it was not completely untouched, there was magic all around in everything. This world may be created parallel to earth but it had its own spin on how it decided to show itself of in the plants that grew. Plants of different colors lit up and shined. Starring at them relaxed me and I sat down, rested against a tree, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. I felt like I could finally breathe. I put a barrier up around my mind so Liam could not penetrate. I just needed to be alone and this was the perfect place, deep in the middle of nowhere.

I buried my head in my hands as I reviewed everything that had happened. There are people out there claiming to be my parents and they have four children with them whom are also theirs because there is no way they are adopted because of how similar they look. But if they were my parents, why did they abandon me any not raise me themselves? And I thought having children were hard but there they were with four little kids. Someone must be lying to me then about the children thing. Oh my, what if I was pregnant now and the child thing was a lie? But why would I be lied to? Rebecca said she and Jaxon had been trying for thirty years and had finally became pregnant and I believe them. Ugh! None of this made sense!

Everything was messed up now! I knew I had adoptive parents but these people can't be my parents! Minus the fact that they new my name and we possibly look similar and they knew my smell and.... and....

Tears rolled down my face as I came to accept the reality that they really were my real parents, there were so many facts. That's why I also felt the pull to go to earth, it led me right to them, it had to be. There were just too many facts to deny it. I had never really thought about what it would be like to find my real parents but I never thought it would have been this. I thought they were dead and that's why they didn't raise me, I never thought they had abandoned me.

But I am not thinking with a straight head like a queen should be. I should be thinking about this level headed and that means I should find out what really happened, make sure to get all the facts before I judge them too harshly. I mean, they have other children so they couldn't be that bad, could they?

But I wasn't going to be level headed for a while longer. I felt like I deserved the right to feel this way still so I stayed and allowed the sounds of nature to gently relax me and lull me into a deep sleep.


I woke up briefly when I felt my body leaving the earth. I worked with the person briefly by wrapping my arms around their neck and legs around their waist knowing I was safe with them. They held me up like a little kid who was sleeping on their parent which brought a second of amusement to me before I drifted off to sleep again.

I did not dream during my deep sleep but I did while I was being carried. I don't know what I dreamed but I do remember the feeling. All the hairs on my arm stood alert because it felt like something or someone was watching or coming for us and we couldn't stop it. Everything was about to be out of control.

The next time I woke up it was fully and I was in my bed. I wasn't about to get out of bed however, I figured I deserved to let everything sink in for awhile longer before facing the truth.

The door opened and out of instinct I glanced up to see who it was. The way my body hummed told me all I needed too to know that it was Liam but that still didn't stop me. Liam stopped walking as soon as he saw that my gaze was on him and he said, "you're awake."

"I am," I answered.

My voice seemed to snap him out of whatever faze he had been in because he strode to my side and climbed on top of me on the bed while burying his head in my neck and breathing in my scent. "Don't ever do that to me again. You blocked me off and I had no idea where you went. All I could do was track you by your scent. Do you know how worried I was about you? What if something had happened?"

"Relax, I'm okay, nothing happened. And you know I can take care of myself. I just had to get away to think for a moment."

"You could have talked to me, or Bailey. You can talk to me about anything, I don't want to be pushed out, especially for matters as important as these." He said this while lifting his head and looking me straight in the eyes.

"I know," I said and cupped his cheek with my hand, "and I'm sorry. I won't do that again. I'll try to talk to you next time before I go running off again. I didn't mean to worry you."

I kissed him softly and the tension that was still in his body disappeared. "You better," He half growled before fully melting in my arms.

After awhile as I was drawing circles on his chest very content and at peace, I said with determination, "I want to meet them officially. I am ready." I had to get this over with sooner or later and I thought sooner might be a better option, especially with how confident I felt now.


I know, I know, it was a long time coming but here is the next part of this chapter! I will try to update soon again but in the mean time, enjoy this little tidbit. Otherwise, what do you think? Was her reaction acceptable? And what do you think will happen next?




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