Chapter 53

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After the kids were worn out, we decided to head our separate ways. I decided to go find Liam and rescue him from William. Hopefully, he wasn't putting him through the wringer, and that goes both ways. Honestly, who knew with them?

I used our link to nudge to see where he was without giving away I was searching for him. I saw that they were down by the lake outside of town and turned in their direction.

The day was nice. There were only a few clouds in the sky and it was a pretty light, sky blue. A soft breeze blew the hair out of my face, it was enough though that caused me to put my hair up in a ponytail so I wasn't constantly moving my hair out of the way.

I found the path that led down to the lake. It was a decent-sized path, wide enough that three people could walk side by side comfortably. The trees also provided enough shade to keep it cooler yet there were plenty of sunspots along the trail as well.

Plenty of small creatures rustled in the undergrowth and I spotted a few squirrels dart along the path. Eventually, I reached the lake without running into anyone and hung back to watch the two men when I spotted them. They were fishing, and it looked like they were having a good time too. Liam said something which caused William to laugh. At that moment, the line on William's pole tugged and the bobber disappeared. He went "ooo!" and started reeling his catch in.

It was a large trout and they gave each other a high five when he finally reeled it in. A picture was taken holding the fish, which was about the size of his head, and then they threw the fish back into the water when they were done.

They looked like they were getting a long just fine. It didn't seem like there was anything I needed to worry about. I decided to make my entrance then and pushed off the tree I was leaning against announcing, "well, looks like you two are having fun."

Liam looked up, slightly startled I was there, but then gave me a sly grin. "Yes, we are. Care to join?"

I hopped to the bank, avoiding any of the large water puddles to come stand by them. "No, it looks like you've got this handled."

He pouted, "come on. It'll be fun."

I shook my head once again, "no, fishing's not really my thing."

"That's okay," William cut in. "We should be finishing up anyways. Your mom or Rebecca probably need me anyways. Besides, we've done what we need to do." He shrugged and clapped Liam on the back. "I'll see you guys later. It was nice spending the day with you."

Liam shook his hand. "You as well."

William glanced at me and looked like he wanted to touch me or something but then refrained from doing it and walked away. If he had given me a hug, I don't know how I would have reacted so I'm glad he didn't try.

Shaking my head I turned to Liam. "So, what did you guys talk about?"

Liam shrugged, "oh, you know, just this and that. Fishing, you, us, kids, Alcreast, the whole 9 yards." He said it so matter of factly like it didn't even bother him. Like they were talking about a bomb going off and that it wasn't a problem. Me, my face reddened when he said kids. I still didn't want one because I was still young but I didn't want to risk the chance of missing out on having one because they were a rare occurrence for us. It doesn't matter that my parents have a ton because experiments were done on them and we don't know what caused them to be able to have that many kids while in lock up. I honestly didn't know if I wanted to know what they did to them in order for it to happen because it probably wasn't anything good.

I gave a laugh though to cover how uncomfortable I was and asked instead, "so how did it go with William? He didn't give you too hard of a time?"

Liam shuttered but I could tell it was a fake one. "He gave me the works. It was horrible." However, he couldn't keep a straight face for long before he broke out laughing. I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at him expectingly. "Okay, okay, it was good. If anything, I think I gave him a harder time than he did me."

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