Chapter 14

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I ws able to stay pace with the prick most of the way back. I may not want to kill him as much anymore but still don't rule out the possibility of never doing it.

I marched into the house and was hit with the smell of chicken. Yum. I didn't care about anything around me as I made my way to the food. I was famished. The counter was set with sides and a big cooked chicken in the middle, the only thing I cared about. Maybe my animal side was kicking in too much right now. I filled my plate high with everything and instantly started eating. This may be one thing I need to get under control to. Maybe time will help?

As soon as I could focus again on anything else around me I noticed Bailey and Liam eating as well. I needed to talk to her. It seems like we haven't talked in ages even though it was just yesterday I saw her.

A yawn escaped my mouth however. The talk may just have to wait until after I had some rest and the prick wasn't in the same room, or in hearing distance however far that may be. I doubt I could keep my eyes open much longer so after I finished eating I excused myself and shot Bailey a look meaning we'll talk later. She nodded and went back to her meal, much more slowly than I.

I changed and sunk into bed, feeling every sore muscle but also feeling how they slowly disappeared. Honestly, that feeling is kind of weird, feeling your own body knit itself back together. Usually it takes a lot of time and you can't really feel it but this was definitely different.

I tossed and turned on the bed but I couldn't fall asleep. I groaned, I was so tired downstairs, I just wanted to fall asleep now. But I couldn't. I cracked open an eye and stared at the windows. The windows must be it, there was too much light.

I rolled out of bed and hit the soft wooden floor lightly. I then padded over to the windows and pulled close the big heavy curtains that blocked out most of the light. "Much better," I said softly before returning to bed.

I suck down in the soft mattress and curled up under the duvet getting comfortable. The bed was truly heaven right now but I couldn't get comfortable no matter what I tried. Coco joined me up in bed which I took as a welcome distraction.

I seemed to be doing that a lot lately I realized. I have been trying to find other ways to distract me from my grief because I just can't handle the pain. I think I didn't mind the prick so much either because he was a great distraction, he kept me thinking about my parents to let me instead hate on him to help control my grief for awhile until I could face it. This actually made me hate him a little less because it was actually what I needed.

But I could no longer fight back my emotions. I cried. I cried for everything I had lost, my parents, my home, my life, but mostly my parents. The rest I could live without if I needed too and could adapt but losing my parents is not something so easy. Shakespeare was right when he said, "When sorrows come, they come not single spies. But in battalions!" I just let everything out, all my built up emotion from the last few days and there was no more holding it back.

I tried stifling my cries so no one would hear. I just took Coco in my arms and cried. She was all I had left of what once was. Bailey may have been my best friend but even she was different, I only knew part of her and I barely knew this strange world. Coco was the same though and would never change, she was the only true reminder or what home was like and with my parents around. I didn't know if I could truly live this new life without them.

You also want to know what the worst part is? When you're alone, especially at night and you can't fall asleep right away. The thoughts creep up into your mind no matter how much you try to push it down. You can't help thinking about it and the pain is always much more worse.

I don't think I was crying quiet enough however because I heard a soft knock on the door and a shadow filled the entrance way. I glanced up to find Bailey with a worried expression on her face. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I stared at her for a moment before burrowing my head in my arms as the water works continued to pour.

The door clicked with a shut and the next thing I knew I was wrapped up in Bailey's arms. "It's alright, everything's going to be okay. I know it's hard right now, but it'll get easier."

"I know," I hiccuped, "but... it's just so hard."

"I know, I miss them too. It's been hard on me too, your parents were great and treated me like a second daughter. I loved them a lot. But we can get through this together. It's just going to take a little bit og time."

I wrapped my arms around Bailey, returning the hug and squeezing hard. She was right about it all. The only way we were probably going to get through this was together. I was glad I still had her in my life, I don't know what I would do without her.

We sat there together for awhile, both crying and remembering. I did feel better afterwards but it still hurt to think about them. But I also had enough of crying for one day, I don't think I had anymore tears in me anyways. I know my grief will come back later but it won't be as bad. I knew as time went on, I could handle their death better.

When we both pulled away, we wiped the tears from our eyes and laid down on the bed. We laid there for awhile before Bailey commented, "you know, your room is really nice. It sucks though we have Liam in between ours. Your room may actually be better than mine?"

"Wait," I said, "how can you see? It's almost pitch black in here."

"Werewolf vision, remember? And I got some of my vision from my mom because she did at least get some upgraded features even if she is fully human. My vision isn't as great as yours of course but it is still really good."

"Oh yeah," I replied softly forgetting she had other upgraded features like me. The concept was still totally weird but it was settling better with me than it was before. "What's your room like?"

"Nothing as good as this," Bailey answered, "but then again, I also don't have a corner room and that may be why. It's still nice and all but yours is really great."

I shrugged, "it really doesn't matter to me. I'm stuck here either way and I can't get out of here. There's no where else for me to go."

"I guess you're right on that, but that doesn't mean you can't make the most of it. Maybe get to know a certain someone better." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively with a sly smile to go along with it.

I was speechless for a moment before exploding. "What? No, you're crazy! Not in a million years!"

Bailey laughed lightly, "sure you say that now but not for much longer. I promise you that. Just you wait."

I feel like there was some other deeper meaning to what she was saying and leaving something very vital out. "What aren't you telling me?"

"All in good time, you'll learn. Now how about a movie?"

I nodded dumbly thinking on what she said and only half paying attention. What she said couldn't be true, could it? I couldn't stand the guy, of course it is much less now but I don't think anything will ever happen. I didn't want anything to anyways. But then in dawned on me that Bailey also gave me what I needed for a little bit that actually did help me feel better: a distraction.


Yay! Here's the next chapter! What do you think? What will happen next?




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