Chapter 54

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This must be a dream, it just couldn't be real. They've got to be messing with me, right? I stared at Liam hoping it wasn't real. The look on his face however confirmed my fear. The assassin had my little brother, who knows what he could be doing to him. Maybe he was already gone. No, I couldn't think like that. If he had killed my brother, it would already be well known and he would have displayed his body somehow. That much I am certain on. This is a way to show that not even the royal family is safe from him to the rest of the people. We could not stand for this and there was no way in hell he was keeping my brother. I will kill anyone who gets in my way to him.

"We will get him back," Liam confirmed my thoughts and that was all I needed before shifting into my owatt form and ran as fast as lighting to the castle, Liam did the same hot on my tail.

We zoomed pass everything so fast it was all a blur, at least to the normal eye. It was crystal clear for us. I didn't stop for anyone. Within 30 seconds we were back at the castle. The doors were open for our arrival, Liam must have had the guards that were stationed there open them for us. I slowed down once we were inside only so I wouldn't go sliding down the hallway and ram into a wall or something else.

Honestly, I didn't know where I was going and Liam seemed to know that because he told me, "go to the meeting chambers" so I turned in that direction and hurried on as fast as I could.

Everyone we passed hugged the wall as soon as they saw us coming. Good, I didn't want to run into anyone and take them out. I was so agitated already I wouldn't have cared if I did run them over.

When we reached the meeting chambers, there were already a few females waiting outside the doors with clothes in their arms for us. "Thank you," I gratefully told Liam because he must have alerted them to have clothes ready for us for when we got there.

I came to a stop and I was instantly surrounded by the women and a wall of blankets were created around me. My clothes were out on the ground next to me and the last blanket was out in place to shield me from any prying eyes while I shifted. I was given a dress for speed purposes which I was grateful for. I shifted and quickly put the blue dress on. The females seemed to know when I was done and they moved out of the way. I brushed passed them and entered the room with Liam right behind me dressed in his own clothes as well.

The advisors and the remaining council members that had come through the gate already were gathered around the large brown table that you would typically find in a business meeting film. No one was sitting, all the chairs had been discarded close to the walls out of the way. They were discussing things amongst themselves but instantly quieted as soon as we entered the room.

Distantly, I registered Bailey was also in the room on the right-hand side next to the head seat. She did deserve to sit there, she was my second after all. How could she not be after everything we've been through together?

My eyes blazed gold as I slammed my hands on the table, cracking it, and growled, "where is my brother?" No one could give an answer so I stared each person down, taking a look in each of their frightened yet reserved eyes as they tried to hide their fear while I waited for an answer. I was in no mood for the wait.

When my eyes landed on Sam, one of the dragon shifter advisors, her body stiffened and her eyes became cloudy. She spoke in her voice but it wasn't her voice. "I have him, but I'm sure you've figured that out by now." She stopped speaking but still stared in a daze straight at her.

Another voice, this time Max, picked up where Sam had left off, "I'm sure you're wondering what I have done to him. He has not been harmed, and I know you don't believe me but it's true."

"Give him back, you bastard," I growled. If he was standing in front of me I would have reached over and ripped his throat out but it wasn't him, just someone he was using to speak though.

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