Chapter 40

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In the end, Mandy, the vampire girl, told me pretty much the same thing as she did before when she first came here which wasn't that much different of what Rebecca and Jaxon told me. The council has pretty much disappeared and the hunters have grown in numbers, the question is why? What is really going on? Did the hunters take out the council? Is that why they haven't done anything? It seemed to be the only logical reason but Mandy did give me a good idea on what we could do and I wished we had thought of it earlier. I was going to suggest to Liam that we try to contact the council. If they don't answer then we know something's wrong. If they do, well..... we'll figure that out when we get there.

I kept my thoughts from him wanting to speak to him in person about this. It was getting late now and I was hoping to avoid Mia and more ceremony planning. I loved her and all but I did not want to do any planning, it was too overwhelming even to just think about. And I know she would gladly do it too. I know it may be taking advantage of her but if I didn't have to do most of it I wasn't going to. I had too many important things to think about besides just planning a ceremony.

Luckily I made it back to the castle but instead of going to my room I went straight to the kitchen, I was starving. I had so much going on today I barely remembered to eat and my stomach is definitely regretting it now.

As soon as I reached the kitchen, I searched the fridge and soon found myself filling my plate with many different delicious foods to overflowing.

After raiding the kitchen, I drifted back to my room, eating off my plate and thinking about the day's events. There was so much information to process from this day. It's hard to imagine that just this morning I was picking out my wedding dress and now I know earth pretty much has gone to crap and it's hard for me to ever have a baby. But I wasn't going to let this part bother me, at least not until after the whole earth situation was figured out.

I felt like it wasn't a situation we could fix though. We can try but what would it really do? It's a whole other world with problems that don't seem to be fixable, like hunters for example, how do you get rid of those? Because there will always be more. We don't live there anymore. Which is sad to think about because earth was my home for a long time and it's where my friends and family are, but they all think I'm dead along with my parents, which must be really hard. It is definitely hard on me to think about it so I tried to ignore that as much as possible and focus on my future instead.

I shoved the rest of my food down my throat when I reach my room and finally felt satisfied. I hadn't even realized I made here until I did and didn't notice everyone I passed as well, which left me feeling a little guilty for not saying hi. I also felt guilty about having a dirty plate for someone else to take care of and knowing it will be gone long before I wake up in the morning to take it back to the kitchen myself. I did wash it in the sink so I didn't feel too bad about it.

Liam wasn't quite back yet but that was alright. I figured I could get some sleep before he came back. And I would know the instant he arrived anyways and be awake then so it doesn't matter. A short nap will do. I crawled into bed and closed my eyes, sleep cascading over me.


The next morning I instantly went to the hospital wing to see how they were doing after crawling carefully out of bed to not wake Liam. And that was extremely hard, trust me. It's not easy to move away from your mate when they are aware of almost your every move.

I found the doctor already up and around so I stopped them to ask how they were doing.

"They're doing great," she replied, "we are managing to drain the tanzanite from their system just fine. In a few more days they should be back to normal."

"Thank you," I responded gratefully as she walked away to help other patients though there weren't that many. Most were the regular bumps and bruises, some a bit more because of training regulation, but beyond that, there weren't many patients who stayed beyond a night.

I tiptoed to the door so I wouldn't wake them if they weren't up already but needn't worry because they were already up. When Rebecca glanced up to see whom it was a smile instantly appeared on her face. "Hey!" She exclaimed before inquiring, "what are you doing here?"

"I just thought I would check to see how you're doing and I just heard from the doctor that the treatment of getting tanzanite out of your system is going well and you should be back to normal in a couple days."

A smile appeared on her face. "That's great! Thank you so much. I else wouldn't be here without you." Her excited mood turned serious by the end.

"There's no need to thank us. We would have helped you no matter what."

"I know," she answered and paused for a moment and looked down at her mate before back at me. "So, we're curious, what's this whole ceremony we've been hearing about?"

"Oh, you've heard about that?" Of course, even though they've only been in the hospital news must be buzzing around because it's all people can seem to talk about. So of course they must have heard about it, I guess that's not something you can really hide even if you wanted to. "Well, the short version is pretty much a sort of wedding for me and Liam and also official crowning as queen since he is the king and I am his mate."

"Oo! Is that something we can go to?" Rebecca asked excitedly.

I laughed lightly, "of course you can. I wouldn't not invite you. I just didn't think now was a good time to consider it considering you are in the hospital for a couple more days. You need to rest."

Rebecca rolled her eyes and Jaxon laughed and I missed out on whatever conversation they shared between them. "Rest is good you know. The faster you recover the faster you can move around."

"But I'm not that injured!" She complained.

"No, but injured enough we don't want to take any more risk than necessary because of the baby. We've waited so long and we finally have the chance now. We need to be careful."

"Fine," she grumbled, "but that doesn't mean I can't wish."

"I know," he took her hand and gently pulled it up to his mouth.

After a long pause I cut in, "well, I just came in to check up on you today and I have many more duties to attend to. I'll visit later for an update to see how you're doing. I can give more details to you as well if that will make you happy."

Rebecca's face brightened instantly. "It will! I'm looking forward to that!"

I then left not long after with a smile on my own face happy they are doing great on the road to recovery and because her mood is contagious.


Okay, so I'm not super crazy about this ending or how short it or pretty much the entire chapter is but I figured I just needed an update so here it is! What did you think? I'm probably going to skip ahead to the day before the ceremony for the next chapter because I can't quite think of how else to fill the space at the moment. If you have suggestions, let me know!




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