Chapter 34

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Everything was burning up and knives were stabbing my stomach. I threw everything off of me and groaned as I clutched my stomach and rolled into a little ball.

Distantly I heard Liam yelling my name and it was the sound of his voice that changed my mood. Instead of clutching my stomach I reached out to attack him.

Before I could get anywhere near him Liam was out of my reach and I heard him say, "I'm calling the doctor."

I rolled out of bed toward the sound of his voice frustrated. Why won't he come to me? Can't he tell that I need him? I groaned as my feet hit the ground and I prowled across the floor to him.

"No," Liam ordered, "you have to stay in bed until the doctor gets here."

I shook my head purring, "no, I want you. Can't you tell?"

"You're acting funny. You need to stay in bed for now so the doctor can check you out," Liam argued.

I shook my head and grabbed his boxers since that was the only thing he was wearing and pulled him toward me. "How about no?"

In an instant, Liam scooped me up and crossed back over the room to the bed where he deposited me. I instantly reached out to him again but instead of doing what I wanted he jumped on top of me and held my arms down above my head. "Just stay right here until the doctor comes."

I growled voicing my displeasure. Sensing I wasn't going to listen to him he stayed on top of me until the doctor arrived.

He heard a knock on the door and he muttered under his breath, "thank goodness."

The door opened to the living room and there was a pause before the ones to the bedroom opened. I wiggled in his arms trying to free my own so I could grab him but he was too strong, even with my owatt strength.

"Stop, please," Liam pleaded highly worried about me. He looked over at the doctor. "Please, tell me what's wrong with her?"

I growled, there was nothing wrong with me, there was something wrong with him! He was holding me down which was really not necessary and there was nothing the doctor could say that would indicate something was wrong with me anyways. I was completely fine, maybe a bit hot and feeling a fire in my stomach but otherwise completely normal.

The doctor, a tall brown-haired woman looked over me and I bared my teeth at her. I wanted her gone. She turned toward Liam who was still on top of me holding me down, unfortunately. "What have you noticed that might be wrong with her?"

"There's nothing wrong with me!" I growled at her.

Liam ignored my outburst answered, "first she started off as being overheated and really tired but I thought that was just exhaustion but this morning she woke up burning and clutching her stomach. That changed though when she tried attacking me. What's going on? Can you fix her?"

The doctor looked thoughtful and asked, "what kind of attacking?"

Liam shook his head bewildered, "what do you mean what kind? She was attacking! Well, maybe not punches, but still."

"I've seen this once before," the doctor said after much thought and examining at a safe distance. Yeah, I thought. You stay right over there and don't come over here or you'll regret it. No coming near my mate.

"Well, what is it?" Liam asked desperately.

"I've only seen one other newly mated owatt couple before because there's not many of you of course but from what I can tell she's just trying to mate you," the doctor answered. "Females are different after being newly mated with owatts. They have this constant need to mate with their mate for the first month as some sort of claiming thing they do. That's all I know about the claiming thing they know but I can tell you their need to mate lessens throughout the month, the first few days, however, seem to be the worst with a need to mate every twelve hours."

When Liam didn't say anything and I only growled at the doctor again she continued, "from what I have heard from the other couple as well is a way to push this off if she can't mate with you at a time and before she gets to this state is to make her orgasm. It only pushes it off for a while until you can mate with her."

"So you're saying she's only like this because she needs to mate with me because of some weird owatt female thing?" At her nod, Liam continued, "don't get me wrong, I don't mind it, in fact, my own animal purrs at the idea, but what happens if we don't come into contact in a span of twelve hours?"

"As I said," the doctor said, "make her orgasm. Get a toy if you have to but she'll get in this state if not mated."

Liam groaned and laid his head down on my shoulder. "Thank you. You can leave, I'll probably contact you later with more questions later."

"Thank you, Alpha King, I'll be waiting for whenever you contact me next." The doctor then left and I sighed in relief. Finally, she was gone.

I wiggled against Liam and he finally let go of my arms giving me the freedom I pleased.


I groaned in embarrassment and covered my face with my hands. "Really? I was doing that? Oh, Jimminey Cricket." I didn't quite remember everything that had happened that morning and Liam was quick to fill in the details.

Liam laughed and rubbed my back. "It's alright. It certainly makes this much more interesting." I felt him lean down and kiss my shoulder.

"You like seeing me wallow in my misery," I accused him.

"I think you're rather quite cute," Liam answered.

I rolled over and punched him in the shoulder, and not very lightly might I add. He winced, "okay, okay. I don't like seeing you in pain, I never do. I actually always want to try and fix it so you're never in pain."

"Yeah, you better buddy," I grumbled, "or you're going to get a lot more pain in your life as well." There was more than just physical pain I could put him through, but I also knew my threat was most likely an empty one.

"I'm sorry okay?" Liam pleaded. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I let him pull me to him. I snuggled up in his arms getting comfortable. He kissed my mark and I shivered in his arms. "Seeing you in pain pains myself so I would never intentionally try to cause you any," he whispered.

"I forgive you," I replied and closed my eyes. I could lie here all day and be completely fine.

I soon found myself drifting off to sleep when Liam said, "we should get up. We need to continue your training since we haven't done it for a few days. We need to keep up your skills. Afterward, I can tell you everything you can expect for tomorrow."

I groaned, "yay. More training." I didn't mind training, but it was seriously putting a damper on my comfortableness today.

"Oh, you'll be fine," Liam told me brushing some of my hair out of the way. "And my mother is probably going to come over later to start planning details for the ceremony she can do. So you have that to look forward to as well. You have a busy day ahead of you darling."

I groaned, "looks like it."

Liam laughed, "now come on. Let's get up." He climbed out of bed but when I didn't move right away he grabbed me around the waist and dragged me out. I squeaked and tried to grab a hold of something but I couldn't. As soon as my feet touched the floor I turned around to tell him off down but his mouth latched onto my neck where my mark was. It made me forget about everything as I melted in his arms.

When he let go it took me a few moments before I realized what had happened. I saw his grin and a plan started formulating in my mind. Fine, if he wanted to play dirty, I could play dirty.


Yay! So here's the next chapter! What do you think? Thank you for your continued support. I love you guys! Anyways, be prepared, next chapter's a doozy. It's actually seven pages long! Definitely the longest chapter I have ever written before. I'm excited for you to read it and I hope you enjoy it! It took me a couple of weeks to write so I am so happy I started writing a bit ahead so you guys could have that update on time.




PS do you think I should stick with a traditional white dress for the ceremony or should I go with a different color? If so, what color?

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