Chapter 56

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The shouts behind me disappeared quickly. With my speed, it didn't take long for me to lose them. My only worry was Liam would be alerted and he would catch up to me before I could set my brother free. I tried covering my scent tracks, doubling back, crisscrossing, and laying confusing scent markers, I just hoped it would be enough. I didn't shift into my owatt though because I knew she would leave a stronger scent trail.

I was following an invisible trail that was pulling me in one direction, and I knew at the end of that trail would be my brother. I ran like my life depended on it, which it kind of did, but instead, it was my brothers. Everything passed by in a blur but I could still take in every detail thanks to my animal eyes. It was like the forest knew what was about to happen. It was darkening and the trees were drooping as if they were sad of the situation.

I soon heard running water which only encouraged me to go faster. I felt Liam scratching at the walls of my mind, trying to break through but I ignored him and reinforced my walls. I couldn't let him in, not when I was so close. Soon, I passed the portal entrance and kept running, making sure I was stealthy enough to not alert any guards and fast enough they wouldn't be able to detect me. I kept following the river, down, down, down, soon, another river joined this one to form a larger one. I slowed down, knowing I was coming close to wear my brother was being held. The string was getting tighter and tighter so I slowed farther down to a walk. The wind sounded a low, ominous whistle and I stiffened at the sound. If it was possible, I went on higher alert than I already was before. The trees swayed. I slowly stepped into a large clearing near the river where the string suddenly disappeared and I knew that I had arrived.

I slowly scanned the clearing, looking for any sign of life. There was nothing though, which caused my body to shake. Where was my brother? Where was the assassin? The string was gone, so they must be here. So where were they? Then, I heard crying and I cried in relief as my head swung to the other side of the clearing, "Carson!"

I slapped a hand over my mouth, realizing my mistake and I stiffened waiting for some kind of reaction, I sighed in relief when nothing happened and taking my luck while I had it, I crept over to my brother.

My brother had heard my call and snapped his head up toward the sound of my voice. When he saw me, he asked shakily, "Skylar?"

I gestured for him to be quiet by the universal sign of one figure to the lips. He nodded and shut up but watched my as I made my way to him.

As I got closer, I realized he was tied to a tree which caused me to growl lowly. How dare they tie my brother up? "I'm here Carson, I got you," I whispered once I reached him. I transformed by finger into claws and cut the ropes that were binding him to the tree. 

"Skylar!" Carson cried again once he was free. He flung his arms around me. "I thought no one was going to come for me."

"Oh Carson," I cried pulling away from his hug to look him in the eye, "why did you think no one would come for you? Of course we would."

He shrugged, "I don't know. I just thought you didn't care for me enough. I've been very mean to you."

I shook my head and brushed the hair out of his eyes, my little carbon copy of me of a brother. "You're my brother, I will always come for you. I don't care how you act, you've been through a lot and there's a lot for you to get use to. But I think we better hurry up and get out of here, don't you think?"

Carson nodded and pulled out of the hug. I stood up and held out my hand for him. When he took it though, that is when the blood drained from my face, because I heard clapping behind me.

"Congratulations your majesty," a low, familiar snarl commented behind me, "you found your brother. I was starting to wonder if you would come." 

I reached through mind link to Carson so the assassin wouldn't hear what I was saying to him. When I tell you to run, run. Okay? Follow the river until you reach the portal. The guards should be able to take you back to the castle, unless you know how to find your way back. Got it?

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