Chapter 49 ~ Her Mum Calls Me Love, Her Dad Calls Me Son

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LOOK GUYS LAST CHAPTER I MENTIONED @aint_1d_cuties book but she changed her username. It's @ziamsbums and its called Sweet Poison.

5 years later.

Acacia's POV

My baby's all grown up and getting married to Pheonix.

Sofia and I have been planning this day for years. 20 years to be precise.

It's got to be perfect.

It's December 18th. 2 days before the big day and we're all in New York. They're getting married there, it's where Nix proposed so it all ties in. Plus New York's a little more Christmas looking and authentically wintery.

She going to be dressed in a long white dress, all lace and silver, it looks like a snow queen dress. It's magical.

The bridesmaids are all dressed in silver. It's one of those things that shouldn't look good because it sounds so tacky but we've done it the classy way.

The boys are all dressed in black suits with pale grey ties. And Ash looks so handsome, his curly hair is still as thick as ever and his green/hazel eyes still make my stomach do flips.

"Jazz, I want Greenday playing. No! Don't give me that look. I want you to have Greenday. At least a song?"

"No, Dad, we are not having Greenday at my wedding!"

"Who are you having? Some unnecessary boy band?"

"Dad? You just insulted yourself."

"We weren't unnecessary!" he whines.

"Guys, break it up." I step in, "Ash, we can listen to Greenday anytime we want okay honey, it doesn't have to be at the wedding." I walk away from them and get back to my organising.

They continue to bicker like children. I turn back around, wanting to yell at them but they look so similar in that moment. They've always been very similar in looks but it really tugs at your heart strings when you realise that you have a daughter and you still love your husband. I don't know many people who can say that.

Pheonix walks in and a smile spreads across Ashton's face. Nix is like a son to him, always round for dinner, I used to think he reminded him of Sofia but now, I know it's because Nix reminds him of himself. The two men are very much alike.

Nix is a drummer, not as a job but he can play. Nix reminds me of Ashton, so spontaneous, so calm and so collected. Like Ashton, he's very protective and caring, I know that Jazz is in safe hands with him.

I've overheard Nix talking to Jazz before now. I once heard him tell her;

"I've got it all, you know? You're mum calls me love and your dad calls me son. I couldn't ask for anything more."

It's safe to say I only call him 'love' more than ever now.

Okay, cos someone pointed it out I'm gonna address this...I have always said hazel is a shade of green, hence why I described Ashton's eyes as green in this chapter. I know what colour Ashton's eyes are and I'm just wanna clear that up for anyone who doesn't like the description (just change it to hazel if you're offended).


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