Chapter 33 ~ Like Indecision To Call You

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Sofia's POV

I'm honestly the most indecisive person you will ever come across.

I'm saying that I love Michael but how can I be sure? I throw the word around like it's meaningless. But my heart does skip a beat when Michael walks by and the fear I felt when I thought he would die was overwhelming.

But what about Ashton, what about Calum?

I kind of feel like some time alone, away from the boys may be for the best.

I've been staying at Ashton's for a long time now, probably nearly pushing a month.

Maybe I'll go home and then take a weekend away to somewhere, maybe go to New York for the weekend, I know family over there.

But America's a long way from Australia.


Michael's POV

Sofia's gone.

Gone to New York.

Saying something about needing a break.

Wanting time alone.

I dunno.

She hasn't texted. Called. Skyped. Nothing.

I've been stalking at her on Twitter, and instagram, and Facebook. There's pictures of her in Central Park. Pictures of her outside the Empire State Building. I don't particularly like seeing the pictures, as she's so happy and someone else is making her happy but I can deal, knowing she's coming home.

I'm casual scrolling through my Twitter feed and I notice something, my heart sinks and I feel the tears coming on.

@SofiaReyna: Never want to leave NYC, staying with Tom for another week!!

Maybe she'll never come back. Maybe it'll be 'just another week' and 'please let me stay for one more day'. Maybe she'll keep on like that until she's permanently living in New York?

"Luke?" I ask one day as we play Xbox one night.


"What do you think Sofia's doing?"

"I dunno? Call her."

"Should I?" I ask, "Call her?"

"Why not?" replies Luke. "You are really good friends."


"Huh?" he says, his face scrunched in confusion at my words.

"More. More than friends. We said we loved each other."

"Oh." He answers. "Then you should definitely call her."

The indecision to call her eats away at me until I pick up my phone and dial her number.

After a few rings, she picks up.


I know it's rubbish and late and I'm sorry but I'm absolutely shattered and in all fairness I've been really busy. I had this singing evening thing in Wednesday where I sung When I Look At You by Miley...specially for this book. And then choir on Thursday and then I've just finished  up watching x factor right now cos that is my absolute guilty pleasure, I'd watch it over any tv programme on right now. Which isn't saying much because tv is rubbish right now but...

Please read my book ACACIA, it's a spinoff from this one based on Acacia's relationship with Ashton. Its on my profile if the link doesn't  work.


abbie xxxxxxxxxxx

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