Chapter 12 ~ Rumour Has It

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"Ash?" calls Sofia, we've just finished watching the final product of the media project and it was actually really good. I'm glad I participated because you know, extra credit and all that.

"Yeah." I say hurriedly.

"Urm, we going to lunch?" It's one of those few days where we haven't argued yet and so lunch is a given.

"No, sorry Sofs, gotta meet with the band. "We're planning playing at a proper big gig really soon, so we've gotta practise."

"Oh, okay?" smiles Sofia but I can see the hurt in her eyes, why couldn't I see it before? She was practically begging me to stay, begging me to forget practise and have a 10 minute lunch break with her, that was all she wanted.

I dash out of the room, leaving Sofia staring after me.

"Sofia?" It's one her friends, one of her friends I REALLY dislike. Her name stayed with me. Kali.

"Hey, Kal!" smiles Sofia, "What's up?"

"Nothing, I just need to talk with you." The drama studio is completely deserted other than the two girls. "Maybe we should sit?"


The two girls sink into a squishy sofa in the centre of the room that's part of a set for a production. Sofia's blonde head is turned to face Kali, whose straight-out-of-a-packet jet black hair fell sleek down her back.

"So? What do you need to talk about?" Sofia questions.

"Well, rumour has it, that Ashton has been spending some time, if you know what I mean, with Kieaira. And when I say rumour, I mean trustworthy sources." Kali smiles a devilish smile but Sofia doesn't see it. I want to stand up and scream at her, yell it's not true but I can't.

"Kieaira?" Sofia's eyes widen in shock, "B-but Ash knows how much I hate her. He would never."

"Sofia, honey," sighs Kali, trying to sound remorseful. "Ashton Irwin cheated on you and no amount of persuading yourself it isn't true will ever change that. I've seen it with my own eyes."

"Really?" gasps Sofia, "You've seen it?"

"Yeah! I wouldn't tell you if I wasn't 100% positive. Look, where is he now? Because it sure as hell isn't with you."

"He's at band practise." Sofia justifies.

"Ah, yes, 'band practise'."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"I mean that it's rather strange that he's suddenly started going to band practise every single lunch time. I hardly EVER see you two together anymore." She pauses for dramatic effect. "And do you know who else hasn't been seen at lunch a lot recently? Kieaira." She says triumphantly answering her own question.

"So Ash really has been cheating on me with Kieaira?"

Kali gives her a withering look that just says: 'yes that is what I just said'. Sofia clearly gets the point and sinks back into the sofa looking positively devastated. She suddenly surges up from her seat next to Kali.

"I need to find Ashton." She says before racing out of the room. As soon as the blonde has left the room Kali pulls out her phone.

"Kieaira? Done." She says managing to sound happy and malicious at the same time.


It's another shot of Sofia just sat talking to camera, the clips in which she is obvious a little older, so more present day footage instead of the past.

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