Chapter 25 ~ Losing Him Was Blue Like I've Never Known

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Ashton's POV

God knows how long I've sat here, it's probably only half an hour but it feels like days. I'm sat at one side of the room and Sofia's Sat at the other. Maxx is comforting her and Claudia glitters between the two of us.

Suddenly the entrance door flies open and Cass comes running in, tears streaming down her face. I leap up and we run towards each other before  embracing in the middle of the waiting  room. We're both shaking from crying and small sobs break free from her mouth.

"Hey, hey, shhh, little one." I whisper, "Don't cry." I hate it when Cass cries because she NEVER cries. She's one of those people that never cry, and yet she's the most empathetic person I know.

"How is he?" She asks, as Luke and Cal walk over to us.

"Not sure." sighs Luke.

"Oh, God." She breathes out. "Please God, don't."

Beth and Claudia run up to her and the three girls hold each other and sob. She then hugs Maxx. Leaving Sofia stood awkwardly.

Surprisingly, Cass walks over to her.

Sofia's POV

Ashton's new purple haired girlfriend walks up to me. She's crying but her eye make up is on point.

"Hi, I'm Acacia."  She smiles, a lilting British accent forming he words.


"I know," she laughs. "This isn't your fault, you're not to blame. I hope you understand that." She says kindly, I'm surprised that she would even want to talk to me. She truly is beautiful, like something out of a book with her slightly pixie like looks. Maybe it's the hair?

I should be jealous, where's the anger, where's the automatic hatred? I'm too caught up in my worry for Michael because no matter what everyone says; that Ash didn't mean what he said. It doesn't take it back, I can still hear the accusing tone. It is all my fault.

I've practically killed off one of the members of one of the biggest boy bands of right now!? I might as well have been behind the wheel in the other car.

Calum storms into the room after being asked to talk with 'the other party'.

"Do you know what he fvcking said?" He pauses. "That he would pay for the damage done to the car because his fvcking insurance can cover it! He thinks that that'll make it right, fixing the fvcking car isn't going to bring Michael back. He can't pay for Michael to be fixed, can he? Got no fvcking respect."  He rants.

Acacia walks up to him and talks quietly, rubbing his back and soothing him. She leads him over to a vacant seat and sits him down, beckoning at Beth to join him.

Beth continues to comfort him while Acacia sits by Ash. They sit tangled up with each other on a window seat. Ashton's tears streaming down his face and into her hair. Their hands are intertwined and I've never seen two people look so in love.

I loved Ashton with every ounce of my body but I never looked at him in quite the way Acacia does and he never looked at me like he's looking at her.

And it's not hurting.

I'm hurting, but it's not because of them, it's because of Michael. I'm scared, in a way I've never been before. My hearts been pulled in two directions and with every second it rips more and more. If I wait any longer it'll be two separate pieces and Michael might not be there to put them back together again.

Is this what it feels like to lose your best friend? Because I feel like losing my husband of twenty plus years not a best friend of two weeks.

I feel like I'm losing a lover.

Is this what love is? When losing them is so blue and all alone?

Because I love Michael, he's the greatest friend ever.

OMG Sofia, stop being so blind and just admit you like him...even I'm annoyed at you.

Guys, comment if you want Michael to live or not???

Thanks to @Live_Magical because you just make me want to update every time you comment!!! ILY. xxx

ONLY 12 votes and then you get an early update of ACACIA. Please do it because if you don't you'll have to wait until October or November!!! It's free???????

It would make me feel so much better because  I've got Physics tomorrow... And I'm not feeling too great so a vote would be much appreciated???

SEES YA. Abbie. xxx

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