Chapter 48 ~ I Hear The Preacher Say Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace

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Luke's POV

"Erm - Will you marry me?"

"Oh my gosh! YES!" she screams, flinging her arms around my neck.

"Finally." jokes Ashton, rolling his eyes.

"Congrats, Uncle Luke." smiles Jasmine.

"Yeah, congratulations." agrees Pheonix, his arm snaked around her tiny waist. It makes me happy to see them together, it's like even though Ashton and Sofia never worked out, their spirit still lives on. Jasmine looks so much like Ash and Pheonix slouch like Sofia, it really takes you back to the high school days.

Months Later.

It's my wedding day.

I, Luke Hemmings, am getting married.

"God, I'm so nervous." I whine.

"You should see her, she's making the flowers nervous." says Cassie.

"Don't say that," I groan, "You're making me more nervous."

"She looks beautiful though."

"Good." I sigh, envisioning my bride to be walking down the aisle.

"Stop stressing Luke." laughs Pheonix. "It's only a wedding."

"Haha. Just you wait and see. Wait until it's your turn." I retort. I see Jazz blush a deep scarlet and Pheonix averts his eyes to look anywhere but at her. I almost laugh at the tension I've caused, he better ask her one day. They both want it, just in a few years.


Waiting for the love of your life to walk down the aisle is nerve-wrecking and scary. I'm too afraid to look behind me at her, but I hate not being able to see her.

I turn. There she is, in all her glory, a soft ivory dress, so simplistic, so clean cut and natural. A gorgeous crown of flowers sits on her brown hair, which tumbles down her back in loose curls.

I can't stop staring, she is so stunning. And she wants to marry me?

I hear the preacher say 'speak now or forever hold your peace' and I am jolted out of my trance.

We say our vows but it's all such a blur, I don't even remember half of what I had to say. All I can remember is him saying;

"Do you, Luke Hemmings, take Beth Calder to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Do you, Beth Calder, take Luke Hemmings to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride."

I remember the kiss, obviously. And I remember all the cheers but I couldn't care, I was married to my best friend, my best friend of 27 years.


Heya, I know it's late and I know it's not great but I'm currently on October break and I thought I would have loads of free time but I have been so busy. I think I'm gonna write two more chapters and then it's the end!!!!!!!!

I'm actually kind of happy but then sad?

LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH. abbie. xxxx

ps check out @aint_1d_cuties because she's like my bestie. And she writes really good books, she's just started a new book that's like one direction + the mortal instruments + beautiful creatures and OMG it's AMAZAYN.

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