Chapter 31 ~ For The First Time

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First things first, sorry for not updating but I've had a really busy week so I haven't had time. Oops.

Michael's POV

Have you ever wished you weren't so disagreeable, wished you hadn't said something but then said it again?

Every single time anyone says something nice to me, I retaliate with rudeness. I yell at Sofia. Refuse to talk to Calum. I lash out at Luke. I'm snappy with Ashton. And I'm just plain rude to Acacia, Beth and Claudia.

And I haven't a fvcking clue why.

"Hey, Mikey." greets Sofia as she walks into my room.

"Michael." I correct, just to be awkward. I instantaneously regret it and want to take it back.

"Michael. How are you?"

"Fine." I snap shortly.

"Good, I've brought you some tea and biscuits."

"I don't want your tea and biscuits." I reply, ungratefully.

"Not even a little bit?"


"Sorry." She whispers, recoiling away from me. Her crystal blue eyes fill up with tears as she murmurs,  "I'll just leave you alone." She stands and leaves the room like she has done for the past three weeks.

"Wait." I say, for the first time I ask her to stay. She spins around the tears still in her eyes but the shadow of a smile on her lips. She sits back down and reaches out for my hand, she squeezes my hand slightly and I feel a warm sensation running through me, it's something I haven't felt in a while and I like it. "I'm so sorry." I say, my voice cracking with emotion.

"It's okay." She says in an almost inaudible utterance.

"No, it's not okay." I state, angry at myself. "I'm so extraordinarily sorry. I messed up bad, Sofia and I'm not okay with it."

"Michael, stop." She says, grabbing my hand. "You need to take it slow."

"I've had two weeks to take it slow, and all I did was be rude!" I snap. "I never meant to make you cry." I mutter, almost under my breath, but she heard it.

"Then why? Why did you act like that?" She queries.

"Because I felt like it." I reply, not wanting to disclose the real reason.

"Because you felt like it?" Sofia repeats, a snarling tone lacing in with her usually sweet tone. The anger in her eyes is apparent and I can feel the temperature rise in the room.

"No, wait." I change my mind, "I did it because I love you. And I don't think you love me."

She looks taken aback and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

"You don't think I love you?" She asks, "Why?"

"Because you love Ashton and that'll never change and because you always tell me I'm such a good friend. Who would love me, anyways?"

"Michael, any girl would be lucky to have you. And you're right, I do still love Ashton but not as anything more than a friend. How can it not be so obvious how much I care for you, how much I love you."

"You love me? But Ashton..?"

"Yes, Michael a part of me is still and may always love Ashton Irwin but an even bigger part of me loves you. This has been hell for me, I blame myself for everything Mikey and I wouldn't blame myself like this if I didn't love you." She explains, silent tears streaming down her flawless face.

"I love you." I smile.

"I love you, too." She smiles back, I've never seen her look happier.

She looks across at me with her big blue eyes and its the same way that Acacia looks at Ashton and I'd bet a million dollars that I look at Sofia how Ash looks at Acacia.

Calum's POV

Sofia leaves Michael's room today with a smile on her face and a light in her eyes.

"Sofia!" I call, "How's Michael?"

"Amazing." She says, dreamily walking into the small kitchen.

"How so?" I ask, what could've changed?

"He's back to normal again and he told me he was sorry. And he said he loved me." She says the last bit more to herself than anyone else.

"He loves you?"

"Yes. And I love him."

He would say that wouldn't he. Now he knows.

Now he knows what? What does Michael know?

Sorry it's late and short and you probably hate it as well but I'm sorry!

Also I recommend reading the Iron Trial by Cassandra Clare and Holly Black because I started it this morning and it's incredible, just gonna go read it now! It's an actual book btw it's not on wattpad.

Vote, comment etc. PLEASE???? BECAUSE YOU LOVE ME?

Abbie xxxxxx

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