Chapter 38 ~ I Can See The Stars From America

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Ashton's POV

"Heya, Theo." coos Cass as Pippa brings him to the door.

"Thanks, Pip, for this." I say sincerely. Knowing how much Cass will love this.

"It's fine, really, it gets him off my hands for a bit, you know."

"Aren't you all big and grown up." Cass is currently saying to the once miniature but still small dog. "Yes you are." She continues her one-sided conversation whilst tickling Theo vigorously.

"C'mon, little ones." I say, talking to Cass and Theo. Cass jumps up and quickly hugs Pippa before running down the steps, I follow, less overenthused than Cassie but still excited.

We walked arm in arm with Theo bounding in front of us, just like the old times. We've purposefully parked about five/ten minutes away from Pippa's home, so that Theo gets to stretch his legs before we get in the car.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask Cass.

"Our beach?" She suggests.

"Are you sure? We go there loads? Why don't I take you somewhere new?"

"Okay." She nods.


I can't lie.

I've been planning this, I just needed the time to bring her here.

We've always had 'our beach' but it's quite far away and we can't go every weekend like we used to because we're just too busy.

So I've been scouring every inch of the area we live in looking for somewhere for just us.

"Come on." I say as I lock hands with her. Theo's lead is in my other hand and my heart's pounding in the cavity of my chest, so many thoughts spiralling out of control as they dash across my line of thought like an out of control train.

My thoughts swerve from what if she loves it? to what if she hates it?

I make the last turn and look at her facial expression.

"What are we doing here?" She asks, a look of disappointment seeping over her face.

It's a running track. With stands all around half of it and a building at one end.

"It's a running track." I explain.

"Yeah. I can see that." She snaps, giving me a withering glance. "I want to know what we're doing here."

"We're having an adventure." I state.

She sighs heavily but I know deep down inside she trusts me.

I walk her around the track with Theo, purposefully boring her. I know how much she hates repetition. This must be killing her.

I run ahead a few times with Theo, forcing her to chase after us as I know how much she likes to have Theo by her side.

"Okay, Ash." She sighs. "I'm bored now. This isn't an adventure."

"No?" I ask, pretending to be surprised.

I take Theo's lead and tie him to a post and pull put his bowl and food to keep him happy as well as a few of his chew toys.

I pull Cass close to me and lead her to the building, which belongs to the local school. It's made up of a physical education theory classroom, a number of changing rooms and a few other extra rooms, making it pretty wide seeing as it is all on one floor. Therefore they've built a roof garden. A beautiful roof garden. It's like nothing you've ever seen. Flowers seem to blossom from nowhere and spread across the roof like wildfire spreads through a forest.

The flowers are currently in varying shades of oranges and red and remind me of the setting sun.

As I managed to get lost more times than I care to admit on the way here, it's already pushing four in the afternoon.

"We should probably take Theo home, now." I announce after giving Cass chance to look at the sight.

"But we've only just reached the good bit." She complains.

"We'll come back after we've dropped off Theo, okay?"


When we come back a few hours later we come back with pizza and coffee as we stopped off at my favourite local pizza place and Starbucks.

This time I lead her straight to the building and we climb up and lay there eating pizza, drinking coffee and watching the stars go by. I know it's cheesy and I know it's unoriginal but sometimes unoriginal is good.

Cass loves stars. She always tells me that when she was younger she would look at the stars and she believed she could the stars from America and her sister (who lives in America) could see the stars from Manchester. The few stars you ever saw in Manchester.

I would always reply with, "They didn't need any stars, they had you." which never failed to make her laugh.

We kiss softly under the starlit sky and eventually fall asleep in the open air, the night air enveloping us like a blanket.

And that's how they found us.

Honestly, you can say how bad this chapter was, I've been struggling with a severe case of writers block as well as all round fatigue and general sleepiness. Not helped by the fact that I can't stop reading books until like midnight and then waking up at six in the morning for school.

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