Chapter 5 ~ Love Will Remember

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"So, I was thinking about us yesterday."

It's kind of a home/youtube style video. It's basically Sofia talking to a camera and there's a date in the right hand side of the screen. 28/05/12, that means we're together during this video.

"I'm never gonna show you this, by the way." She laughs at the screen. "I was just thinking about how we met and everything. Don't you think it was kinda perfect?" The picture changes to me walking down the corridor, I bump into a tall willowy girl who is most definitely NOT Sofia, no, it's one of her friends, I think she was called Cherry or something.

"Oh, sorry." We both say at the same time.

"Urm, I wasn't looking," I apologise.

"I can tell." She says snootily, clearly SHE didn't mean it when she said sorry.

"Lemon!" laughs a much shorter blonde girl, okay so fine I'm not very good with names. "Be nice!" She jokes, her eyes lighting up with laughter. Both girls look at each other and nod secretively.

"Thanks!" they say in unison and excitement. My face is a mass of confusion and amusement, you can tell I have no clue what they are going on about.

"You just made my day." exclaims Sofia, "We're filming for a media project and that scene you just did? PERFECT!" She squeals in excitement. I blink in confusion I'm not really following what she's saying.

That moment was perfect says Sofia's voice over the video We didn't choose you, it just happened, ya know. We didn't pick you out of a crowd of people or anything, you just came along.

"Please?" begs Sofia.

"I dunno," I say "Acting isn't really my thing?"

"What is then?" She laughs

"Music." I say with confidence. "I'm in a band." I show off.

"A band?" She laughs, raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah. A band." I smile, you can see how good we look together.

"C'mon, Ash. Just one little project?" It's like I can't deny her beautiful blue eyes.

"Okay, just one project." I give in

"Really?" She squeals, flinging her arms around my neck and hugging me tight. "You won't regret this!" She promises with sincerity and excitement. I don't even know her very well at this point, I think I had English with her and yet there I was agreeing to help her. What happened?


"Ash," she smiles "Meet everyone. Guys this is Ashton. He's gonna play the lead, 'kay?" everyone seems to nod in approval at me, so I take it acceptance, on their part.

"Ash, this is Lemon, Jack, Maxx, Taylor, Elsa, Phoebe, Selena, Sasha and Nathan. Oh, and Sammie's there, he's our cameraman." She introduces pointing at the camera. I smile at everyone with a typical awkward half grin/smirk.

"It's a bit of a Romeo and Juliet thing." explains Lemon, "With a twist, of course, you don't die at the end or anything."

"So, what happens." I inquire, I can remember really wanting o know what I would have to do in this project.

"Oh, you'll just have to wait and see." Worry settles on my face, I never knew just how expressive my face was until watching this film, you can always tell what I'm feeling, my eyes tell of every emotion and my features distort depending on the sensation or emotion I feel. It's funny how I have spent nineteen years in this body, living this life and yet in a short space of time I have already learnt more about my life, things I wouldn't have known if I wasn't watching this. I can only imagine how I will feel when the movie fades to black, how the weight of what I will know will feel on my shoulders. Maybe I will have closure and contentment or maybe all the things I miss will come flooding back in a rush of unruly waves, uncontrollably smashing down on my heavy heart. Maybe love will remember what I once had.

The scene fades from Lemon and me talking to a clip of me and Sofia stood face to face, we're less than a metre apart and reading of some crumpled pieces of paper.

"I don't like you." She scoffs her face curling up with disgust. "And believe me, I never will."

"Oh, you will." I say, sounding very much like someone reading off a piece of paper.

"No, I won't." She insists.

"Come," I say, "Let me show you something."


"Yes!" I argue back, my shoulders relax and I appear more natural.

"CUT!" yells someone.

"Urm, good." says Sofia, "We just need to practise a lot." I nod in agreement. "How's tonight?" She asks.

"No, can't, band practise." I say in reply.

"Band practise can wait!" She persuades.

"Not tonight, I need to tell the boys that I'm doing this and then I can work out dates. But I HAVE to go to band practise, okay?" I sound really final about this.

At least I didn't start not going to band practise from the very beginning.

Authors Note


Sofia is doing a media project and is looking for a lead in the film they are doing. Lemon (her friend) bumps into Ashton on one of the corridors, she and Sofia like him and think he's perfect for the part. Sofia persuades him to help and he agrees

The film is going to be a Romeo and Juliet style thing (because it's so typical and an obvious choice.) Sofia wants to rehearse but (thankfully) Ashton refuses because he needs to explain to the boys about the play.



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