Chapter 26 ~ If I Die Young

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Michael's POV

I'm not awake, I'm somewhere in my unconscious mind. Left in a shut down body. There's nothing but me and my empty thoughts.

Is this what death feels like?

Floating around in no where, no where to go. No one to talk to. Just me. Alone.

What should my last thoughts be if this is death?

I never thought about it, I never thought I'd die young.

Should I think of Luke? Cal? Ash? All three? Beth and Claudia? Acacia? My family?


What should my last ever thought be on this earth? Should I remember all my favourite memories?

Are you meant to think of things you love or should I think of th  future?

No one taught you at junior school what to do when you die. I never told anyone to have blue hydrangeas at my funeral because they're my favourite flowers and that I wanted white roses as well. Did I ever say that I wanted to buried not cremated? Did I mention that I wanted my hair dyed hydrangea blue to match the flowers.

Did I say I wanted Greenday playing but also one of our songs?

I thought about my funeral once or twice in fleeting moments, mainly when I'd been to other people's. But I don't know if I'd discussed it.

As I sit in this black emptiness I find myself thinking of the boys, of Beth, Claudia and Maxx. I see Acacia and Ash. I see their happiness. I won't see them married. I won't see their kids. If they stay together, that is, but I think they will.

I won't see Luke turn twenty. Or Cal.

I won't turn twenty.

I won't marry.

I won't have kids.

I won't tell Sofia how I feel. I won't tell her that I'm not just a friend.

I won't do any of this if I die young. If I die now.

Look I know it's short and it's not the best chapter but I don't think it's right to write any more.

Dedicating it to @Live_Magical (again) cos I love her...She's so supportive. Go check her out and follow!!!

I hope you all like it...

ILY ABBIE xxxxxx

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