Chapter 37 ~ How Did We End Up Here

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Ashton's POV

All this time I've been telling myself that I wanted to kiss Sofia, that I am to blame for our almost kiss.

But as I wake with Cass lying in my arms, I realise that there's nothing more I could want in life than this girl. My heart doesn't race across my chest when I see Sofia but it sprints a marathon when I simply think of Cassie.

I didn't want to kiss Sofia, and she made it clear she didn't wan  it kiss me. I suppose I'm over thinking it because I feel like I've cheated on Cass with her even though I haven't. I feel guilty because I could have kissed her, I might have kissed her if I hadn't come around to my senses.

Maybe I should talk to her, ask her to never speak of it, to anyone. But she's still in New York according to a heartbroken Michael.

It's been awful, really, without her. Michael's moped around like a lost soul searching for it's body.

Calum's acted like a three year old child. Scowling at Michael at every opportunity. I don't even know what's going on between them, other than the fact that they are very jealous of each other.

Maybe Cal needs a girl to keep him occupied.

I'll have a talk with Luke about setting him up with someone.

Luke and I have bounced between the two of them, being the glue holding the band practises together while Cal and Mikey glare at each other from across the room.

It's been so tense that I need Sofia to pick someone. Honestly, I don't think a girl has ever caused so much drama for us until Sofia.

It's like the drama follows her wherever she goes and she just can't escape it.

I feel like writing the script for the Ashes II, but instead we'll show it to Mikey and Cal in two years time.

Honestly though. How can one innocent little blonde girl cause so many problems and still be alive to tell the tale?

"What'cha thinking 'bout?" asks Cass from where she lies beside me, she must have woken up whilst I was  thinking of Sofia.

"Sofia." I state honestly.

"Michael's in love with that girl." She giggles, "But she's caused her fair share of problems, hasn't she?"

"Yeah." I snort out.

"I want her and Michael to be together. I love Cal but they wouldn't be right together, he needs someone Beth!"

"Beth?!" I exclaim. Shocked at the suggestion. But the more I contemplate it the more I can see it.

"I'm right, aren't I?" She smiles triumphantly. I nod in agreement.

"But let's not get involved just yet, okay?" I advise.

"Can we do something today?" asks Cass.

"Sure, what like?"

"Can we have another adventure Ash?" She begs, "Can we visit Theo?"

"Okay." I agree. I haven't spent time with Cass for ages. I look down at her and I have to ask myself how I ended up here.

Haha, I'm mean. If you haven't read ACACIA you won't have a clue who Theo is. Hint.

OMG I got 250 votes and I'm so happy I could die right now and I really needed something good to happen because I'm so tired and ready for October break but it's like 1 1/2 weeks away and its going so slow....Urrgh.

See you soon (maybe tonight, if I don't fall asleep, but otherwise tomorrow).



abbie xxxxxxx

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