Chapter 40 ~ What Makes You Beautiful

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Michael's POV

"Good morning," yells Sofia, bursting through the doorway of my apartment.

"Hmm." I groan, still half asleep and wanting to know why I got a phone call at 5 o'clock in the morning from Sofia saying to be ready for 6. "How are you so awake?" I ask her, my eyelids drooping shut.

"It's already 6, of course I'm awake." She replies rolling her eyes. "Mikey, it's my only day off for a while, I wanted to spend as much time with you as possible before my boss chains me to my office for and makes me work until stupid o'clock in the morning."

"Okay, babe. Chill." I say jokingly. "But really, 6?"

She gives me that look that just says 'shut up, or go die in a hole'.

"What do you want to do, then?" I ask.

"Maybe we can spend a bit more time sleeping?" she gives in, knowing I'll be a grumpy guy if I don't get my full amount of sleep.

I snatch her hand and drag her into my arms before jokingly picking her up and sprinting up the stairs with her, almost dropping her. I then fling her on the bed and jump in beside her, accepting the warm embrace of my bed clothes.

"Nice to see who you love more." She giggles.

"I can't help it, sleep, you? Sleep."

She sqwawks indignantly and slaps me. Very quickly we both find ourselves under the trance like state of mind that becomes you while you sleep.


I awaken to a very loud alarm going off. Sofia's phone is blaring out the tune of What Makes You Beautiful. I actually set it to that because it's her least favourite of all their songs.

The first thing I realise is that her hand is currently up my shirt and resting on my chest and that one of her legs is crossed over one of mine.

She leapt up at my slight movement and the beginning of the chorus.

"Hi." I say as she rubs her eyes with the backs of her hands. She simply groans a tired moan. "What happened to wanting to do as much as possible today?" I ask as she slumps back into the mound of pillows.

"Nothing." She sighs. I laugh and draw her into my warm embrace feeling her shallow breath against my chest.

"So, what we doing?"

"I want you to chose." She says. "Make it the best day ever."

I kind of assumed she'd say that so I'd already planned the best day ever.

I know this isn't the best but I wanted to upload something but I've got two tests tomorrow maths and history, one after the other so I haven't had chance to write much as I've been revising and all that.

Please vote for this and if you're looking for another  book there's always ACACIA that comes six months after Ash and Sofia's break up.


Love you lots and lots, abbie xxxxxxxxx

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