Chapter 28 ~ I Have Died Everyday, Waiting For You

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Michael's POV

I try and open my eyes, but it's like their glued shut with superglue. I don't want to die now.

I need to live. I have a lot ahead of me, my family, the band. I don't just need to live, I actually want to live.

I want to do everything in life, I just really want to stay on this earth.

And so, I try again and again to pull my eyes apart. It takes but I'm determined.

A sliver of light appears as my eyes flicker open slightly. I try harder and manage to open them fully.

The first thing I see is a mess of blonde curls leaning over me. My vision is blurred and so I immediately assume it's Claudia. When my eyes adjust to the light I realise that I'm wrong. It's Sofia and she's crying all over me.

The others are crowded around on the other side of the glass door, looking in.

But sat next to me, holding my hand as I wake is the one person I hoped would be there. Sofia is here and she's here for me. She's not here for Ashton or Drew.

She's crying for ME.

My eyes lull back shut; they're so heavy after such a long time closed and I can barely keep them open.

I drift of into sleep but this time I dream, I dream of Sofia and I laughing as we walk hand in hand down a street. That's really all I dream about. It's so simple and yet so inviting.

I can subconsciously here the bustle of people coming in and out but the warmth of Sofia's hand stays in mine. Other hands squeeze my other hand but her's stays constant throughout the dream.

Finally, the bustling stops and all falls quiet, nothing but the gentle hum of the machine and Sofia's shallow breathing. I'm awake but I keep my eyes shut, pretending to still be sleeping.

"I died every single day I sat waiting for you. A piece of died every hour I spent in this hospital. You've been here five days Mikey." She sighs, "That's a lot of me dying. But when you woke they all came back alive."

She pauses, and breathes in and out.

"You dead would have killed all of me. I'm glad you stayed Mikey."

"I'm glad I stayed as well." I murmur.

"You were awake?!" she gasps.

I nod my head slightly in reply.

"You sneaky little..." She scowls, unable to finish her sentence. "It's good to have you back, though."

"I missed you too much to leave." I whisper.

"I missed you too much as well." She laughs.

I groan and feel my eyes close again.


"Sofia, you need to go home." says a female voice.

"No." snaps Sofia forcefully.

"You haven't slept for the whole five days he's been in here, you need to go home and sleep."

"What do something happens to him?"

"What could possibly happen to him in a hospital?" snarls the other voice, that sounds a lot like Beth.

"He could have a turn for the worse!" argues Sofia. "I'm not leaving this building until he is ready to go as well."

"At least let me fetch a change of clothes and go have shower?" begs Beth.

"Fine. Bring me comfy clothes."


I hear the gentle tapping of shoes against laminate floor, and know that Beth has left.

I flutter my eyes open as whisper gently,

"Hey?" My voice comes out croaky like I'm not used to talking.

"Michael?" She whispers back, I can hear the tears in her voice.

"Hey." I repeat.

"How are you?" She asks, worry laced in her words.

"As good as you can be when you've been in a car crash." I reply, ironically. She laughs at that.

We talk for hours, uninterrupted, about whatever. Until Beth returns with a spare change of clothes under her arm, demanding that Sofia leave.

By which point I've fallen into a deep dream filled sleep about unicorns, pizza and blonde haired girl.

First thing first, thanks for 173 votes? So ACACIA WILL be uploaded soon, I'll let you know on this book.

Secondly, thank you for 3k, that's a lot in my mind.

Thirdly vote, comment etc.


abbie xxxxxx

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