Chapter 18 ~ Perfect Two

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Ashton's POV

It's a lazy day in the 5SOS house. We're just hanging out; it's us four, Acacia and two other girls - Beth and Claudia. Maxx is also coming round soon, remember him? The guy from the media project? He's the only person I kept in touch with from that group of friends, mainly because he was the only one to believe me but also because he's a pretty great guy.

I'm dragged out of my thoughts by Cass's loud laugh. She is sprawled across the couch in an unattractive position but still managing to look beautiful in her sunflower print shorts and strappy black top. She's laughing at Michael trying to play the drums, he's trying to spin the drumstick in his hand whilst playing (my signature move) and he's failing. Drastically. I join in with the laughter, he loves to make a fool out of himself for our entertainment.

Luke's messing around with Calum and Beth on one sofa. Currently Calum is sat on Luke and Beth is sat on Cal. Claudia is laid on the floor at their feet and Cass and I are curled up together on the other sofa laughing at the scene. And Maxx has arrived.

I am truly blessed to have such great friends. I love them all so much. I don't know what I would do if it wasn't a guarantee that Beth in her checked shirts and beanies, with her long brown hair and green eyes wasn't there to support us. Or how I would feel if the blonde haired, brown eyed Claudia in her grungey jeans and oversized sweaters wasn't there to hug me when I was down. I can't imagine a life without Maxx, who's dark hair flops into his eyes, I can't imagine not teasing him over his fringe.

Mostly I couldn't cope without Luke, Cal and Mikey. They make every second of every day worth living for.

But I can't picture my life without a certain violet haired, olive eyed, 5ft 4", nineteen year old. Acacia.

She leans into me and rests her head on my chest, I lean forward and kiss the top of her head while pulling her ever closer to me.

I LIKE Acacia Evans. And not just in a I've got some feelings kind of way. I mean in a I have a LOT of strong feelings towards her and none of them are negative.

We are perfect together.

Author's Note

So sorry it's short, I've been ill and honestly I didn't feel like writing... I'll try and upload tomorrow to make up for it or I'll write a super long one  to upload on Saturday???


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