Chapter 19 ~ I Was There When You Said Forever And Always

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Sofia's POV

It's been a long week, and its safe to say I'm pretty tired. So when my boss saw me yawning and suggested I left to go home early I, of course, jumped at the opportunity. It is around twoish and I know Drew is working from home today so I figure I'll drop by at his place.

You know, a cute little surprise.

I wearily climb into my cream Volkswagen beetle and begin the 20 minute ride to Drew's. I'm looking forwards to seeing him. I haven't seen him much all week seeing as he has been working from home a lot lately and so no longer takes me to and from work.

I miss having him around, even though I'm not 100% on my feelings it is always nice to have someone to hug you or kiss you when you're feeling a little down.

Due to my state of fatigue, the ride to Drew's seems to take forever. Every red light takes hours to change and I feel as though I managed to end up behind every learner driver in the city.

So after my pretty stressful 20 minute journey, getting to Drew's is a godsend. I dig around in my bag for the keys and swiftly unlock the door and march in, I don't even bother to announce myself.

Flinging my bag onto the sofa, I first make myself a coffee. Whilst waiting for the kettle to boil, I pop into the study, expecting Drew to be working there. But he's not.

Must be upstairs somewhere. I think to myself.

The familiar ping of the kettle startles my half asleep brain and makes me jump.

I pour the water into a mug along with the coffee granules and milk, and give it a quick stir, before heading upstairs to look for Drew.

I can hear voices coming from the bedroom and immediately assume Drew is on Skype, probably to his friend Connor. I fling the door open only to find that its not Drew on Skype to Connor.

But instead it's Drew in bed with a very naked redhaired woman and believe me, she's not the only one naked.

I scream and manage to spill my entire cup of red hot coffee all over me.

"I can see why you cheated." the redhead says loudly.

I let out a scream of anger before turning around and slamming the door loudly.

I run out of his flat but not before grabbing my bag and storm into my car.

I then curl up in the driving seat and let the tears flow.


I don't love Drew.

Hell, I don't even think I really like him.

Urgh, fine, I did like him. My reaction to this whole situation made that obvious.

There's always Ashton but even he's not as attainable as he once was.

I am in love with Ashton. I was then, and I still am now. He promised me a future. I was there when he said forever and always. He didn't mean it.


He's got a new girlfriend now, one who's better than me. She must be perfect. He turned me down for her, he must really like her.

And I hate her for it. All I can say is: she better treat him right, she better know just how lucky she is to have a guy like Ashton. And she better enjoy having him while she can because I am not going to let another guy out of my grasps.

Why do I always pick the guys that inevitably break my heart?

I thought Ashton was forever. When I first met him, I knew, I knew that we were meant to be and even though it wasn't his fault we broke up. I like to blame him.

But I'll show him what he's missing.

Once I've gotten changed out of these coffee ridden clothes.


I've been sat in this car for a while now; thinking and crying, crying and thinking, and crying some more.

I think I've finally stopped with the crying and so I open the car door and take a stroll. I've always loved where Drew lives, it's tough  by the sea and there's a pavement right by the sand so you don't get sandy feet but it still feels like the beach.

I look around at the people there, it's pretty deserted. There are cars on one side of the pavement, on the road, and then the sand and sea on the opposite side.

There are only four cars parked. Mine, a large people carrier, a well looked after silver BMV and a slightly beat up looking red thing, that looks like it shouldn't even be on the road anymore.

I try to match the people to the cars, obviously mine belong to me and the people carrier belongs to the family who are playing right by the water. I smile at the two girls building a sand castle and the two heads I can see bobbing around in the water as the parents watch from close by. The only other people on the beach are a young couple, a blonde boy with a black haired girl (who I assume own the BMW) and then a walking towards me is a guy with multicoloured hair, it's all shades of black, purple, pink and maybe some blue. I take it his car is the beat up pile of junk.

As he comes ever closer I realise it's Michael Clifford. I haven't seen him since I broke up with Ashton. I planned the film idea with Luke and Calum, Michael wanted nothing to do with the planning of it. He said he'd help carry it out but only because he knew it was what Ash needed but he wouldn't organise it because it wasn't what Ash wanted. Personally, I couldn't see the logic behind it.

I see the recognition in his eyes and I prepare myself for the friendly nod an  the walk on by. But for some reason Michael slows.

"Sofia? Are you - crying?"

"No!" I exclaim, too quickly.

"C'mere," he says extending his arms. Out of all the boys, I was closet to Michael and so in turn he was the one who hated me the most. But this meant I knew how good Michael's hugs were.

I step into his arms and a blanket of safety falls over me.

"You may have broken Ashton's heart, Sofia," he whispers into my hair, "But after that I forgive you." I smile into his chest. He's talking about all the things I said in the film. "Don't forget I'm always here." He reassures.

"Thanks." I whisper back.

He takes my hand and walks me to the nearest bench. "So what are you doing down in this part of town?"

"Seeing my boyfriend." I say, forgetting that I've unofficially broken up with him.

"Oh. So why, may I ask, are you walking on your own by the beach crying."

"Because-" I hiccup, feeling my eyes well up again. He pulls me close and strokes my hair. "Because Drew's in bed with a prettier girl. And she's got red hair." I pause, and sob again. "I always wanted red hair." I gulp before  bursting into tears again.

"First of all I'm pretty sure she's not any prettier than you." Michael says, kindly."And secondly, it's Drew's loss, not yours." He encourages.

He hugs me close and instead of thinking about Drew, all I can think about is how good Michael smells and how glad I am I keep a spare change of clothes in my car for emergencies like this.

Author's Note

So does Sofia like Michael?? Or is she just in need of a friend?

I hope this is longer than normal, as you know I haven't been feeling great but I'm feeling more like myself right now.

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