Kylux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Kylux!

*I was impressed by the cells, but a weird feeling began to build in my gut. The feeling of something odd, something not right that was making me uneasy.* Odd that this is here, but it shows you don’t inprison force users often which I suppose is good.

Kylo: There are none to imprison. Rey is the only known wielded left, apart from you and now your brother. *nods to another cell* Those bones belonged to the last Jedi in here. I didn't get the term "Jedi Killer" for nothing.

*I followed Kylo into the cell, watching him restrain my brother. I looked at my brother, finding it odd he hadn’t spoken a word nor even try to fight. It wasn’t like him, something was off.* I need to speak with Hux for a moment. *I turned around to walk out the cell, as I did so my brother looked at Kylo and nodded. Soon as he finished nodding the door to the cell slammed shut and locked*

*Immediately in that moment I began to panic, Hux was on the outside of the cell and I was stuck inside with two powerful force users. I banged on the door, looking around for some way to open it* Hux?! Hux the door is stuck it won’t budge open! I don’t know what to do!

Hux: *turned at hearing the door shut and his eyes widened, immediately catching on to what was happening* No! *he tried hard on his end to pry the door open, even using emergency codes but nothing worked* No, no, no! Kylo Ren! Open this door now!

*The obvious panic in my voice showed as I tried to pry the door open, I stopped to breathe and calm down* Kylo, how do you open this door?? I don’t understand why it-

*I turned to face Kylo, watching him simply stand there and my brother step off the restraining chair. I froze, now more scared than before. I looked at Kylo, hoping he didn’t just let my brother loose* Kylo..?

Kylo: I'm sorry, but it's better this way. *steps aside so your brother can get to you* I'm doing what's best for the First Order. Sacrifices have to be made. Your brother's alliance with me will end this war within a week. Two powerful dark Force users- Rey won't be able to handle us.

*and then, he thought, he would discard the brother and continue on ruling the galaxy. Everything was planned out in his head* Unfortunately, you stand in our way. You should have joined me when you had the chance. I would have turned your brother down. Now look at what's coming because of it.


Great replies MinxCoda the storyline is amazing and so much fun for me!

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