Kylo Ren - Reply

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From MoonDash21:

1. Wait, wait, back up. Does that mean we share an office?’d only be able to hear me singing if you’re in the same room with me. Which is what I was asking, in the same room not sharing an office. I have my own office, right? I kinda like space...but whatever works is fine.

Kylo: To be clear, you have your own bedroom and your own office. Both are completely seperate from mine.

2. *takes a step back when I feel him penetrating my mind* Um, I get you’re the Supreme Leader and all...but maybe don’t pry too much in there. I’m— I’ve had a rough life, okay? And it’s no one’s concern but mine... BACK TO THE LIGHTSABER! That’s AWESOME! Haha! RIGHT? It’s sooo... CRACKLY! Which makes it awesome!

Kylo: *blinks and pulls away, considering maybe he didn't need to know that badly*'re dismissed for now.

3. *concerned about burning the city* OOOKAYYY... Army stays in ship, got it. Burning cities is a last resort, oookayyy! Anything else besides city burning you need me to do?

Kylo: I need a speech written as to why I'm burning the city down, in case it gets onto the Holonet. Make sure it consists of it being a very tragic choice I had to make to ensure safety of the galaxy, or something like that. Then play some cool First Order  footage to sell it.

4. Understood, sir. I never abuse freedom given to me. I promise, anything you want to know about me, I’ll give to you...okay, I will reluctantly give it to you. And fiiiiinnneeee, I’ll sit in the office until you say. I’m not good at being ‘pretty’, though. That may be a challenge. ;) Also, do you normally stand this close to people you don’t know? It’s kind of intrusive.

Kylo: You can handle it I'm sure. I'm not asking much. I could be so much worse... *takes a step back* Personal space is irrelevant when I need someone to listen to me and get something done.

5. Okay, this should work...I think. So fancy! *pokes at comlink* How does it work? *looks up at Kylo noticing his frown* Actually, you know what? I’ll figure it out myself. I’m good at that.

Kylo: *rolls his eyes then pauses, a smirk tugging at his lips* You know what, the tech side of things...not my thing. But Hux on the other hand? He's so good at tinkering with junk- I mean novelties and making them like new. It's a talent he keeps secret. My point is he would be honored to show you how to use the comlink, datapad- anything technology related.

6. Whatever you say... *smirks* Just call when you need me! *saunters away trying to look cool but trips* Gods...

Kylo: *laughs softly* Perhaps instead of making yourself appealing to the eyes, you should watch your step.

7. Is there a gym? Or a pool? I like water and exercising so... Am I allowed to be in them or do I have a restriction of where I can go? I’m more worried about the pool honestly, but if you don’t got one, it’s fine.

Kylo: There is a gym but no pool. There are endless workout machines there for you to use.

8. ... If you order me to slap someone, can I do it? *claps happily*

Kylo: *rolls his eyes* As long as it's as hard as you flipping can. Make them remember it.


Great replies MoonDash21!

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