Kylo Ren - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Kylo!

I’m not trying to get on your bad side, don’t get on mine. We both can try and ruin each other’s lives, but we have to work together and deal with one another. I will see to it that I’ll speak with him on his attitude and temper towards you, but I make no promises.

Kylo: Don't get on your bad side? Mhm, you're not exactly frightening in my eyes. I'd watch your tongue on making threats.

Although it's true we have to get along, and we can't always agree, I appreciate that you will try to help Hux's attitude improve. And I make no promises I can improve myself either.

*My eyes widened as the necklace snapped off, I immediately leaned forward a bit but collected myself. I watched him cautiously, a bit nervous* The crystal was used many years ago for lightsabers by the founders of the planet, but they eventually bred the crystals for different purposes and not exactly for the force.

Kylo: I've never heard of crystal breeding, but as long as it can't become a weapon now, I don't care.

*I caught the necklace, eyeing Kylo before I got up* I planned on keeping it. Thank you for talking with me personally about your feelings on the matter. *I walked away from Kylo, heading for the door* Have a good day, Kylo

Kylo: *narrows his eyes as you leave* Good day. I have a feeling we will be seeing each other again quite soon...


Great replies MinxCoda!

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