Kylo Ren - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Kylo!

1: I see, it’s a shame though. Art is rather beautiful in itself, but understandable that you don’t like it now that I see it that way.

Kylo: It's not that I don't like it, I've just...given it up. I have more important things to do than scribble on paper.

*I laid on the floor after slipped, I started laughing as I thought that was pretty funny. I looked at Kylo still laughing* Okay, that’s a good one. Didn’t know Mr. Tall and Muscles could even make a good joke like that.

Kylo: Mr. Tall and Muscles? Mhm. Trying to work your way to my good side? *chuckles* Yes, I can be humorous. You just always catch me in a bad mood.

2: Kylo, Hux means different things then what I do. I won’t get into it, just trust me and I promise you’ll love the room.

Kylo: I'm holding you responsible if I don't.

3: *I stopped, turning to him* I am aware of what you been through. I’ve done my research, and I am sympathetic of your past. You went through hard trials, trials no one at your age should have went through. That, is where we have something in common.

Kylo: *stares at you* You and I are not alike and never will be. And whatever you heard about me, whether it's true or not...should not have been discovered to begin with. *turns to leave then pauses, speaks yet doesn't face you* How did you find out? Was it Hux?

4: *Chuckles* Oh I’ve heard, I’ve never personally seen this eight-pack nor do I think I’ll ever. I’d rather leave it as a mystery.

Kylo: Both Hux and Summer would probably agree to that. I'll have to tell Matt to ease up on spreading these...rumors that are in fact true. I wonder how he knows. *shrugs, a smirk tugging at his lips*


Great replies MinxCoda!

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