Kylo Ren - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Kylo!

*I nodded, setting the paintbrush down gently then got up. I led Kylo to door that opened on its own, the lights turned on showing several paintings of Kylo and a few others in the room, some unfinished and some finished but settled in here.* These are just ones I keep in here, I haven’t decided what to do with them yet.

Kylo: Perhaps I could use them. May I see?

*I walked Kylo into the room, showing him the paintings and taking covers off others. Some were of him just casually sitting on his throne, portraying him in wealth and power above everything. However, two of them were different.

One was Kylo, tied up in white and black chains, pulling him towards each chain. The chains represented his battle between the light and darkness, he was bruised, beaten and hurt in the painting as he struggled. Another one was him, hugging Leia and crying into her arms, Leia hugging him back and rubbing his back. The colors were more soft toned, symbolizing forgiveness.*

Kylo: *admired each one, pausing at seeing these two. His eyes widened and he turned a little pale as his eyes flickered back and forth between them*

You’re free to take any of them, put them to good use

Kylo: *still disturbed by the two paintings*'ll take these at least. *removed two that showed him at his best* They can he hung in the throne room. The others...I don't care. Just remove them somehow.


I would love to see that as real artwork MinxCoda!

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