Kylo Ren & Summer - Reply

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From JoeyKirkpatrickJr:

Replies to Kylo Ren and Summer:

1: Kylo Ren er.. Ben Solo: please think about what you are doing, you already are wanted home and not just by me. Your mother wants you home.

Kylo: I...I can't go home and I never will. You might as well give up on asking me.

2: Ben, if you wouldn't mind me asking: is your lightsaber made from Darth Vader's lightsaber?

Kylo: No, this lightsaber is modified from the design I used as a Jedi- *clears his throat* I mean, I admired this style from old Sith models.

3: Summer, if you and Ben return: can you bring Hux, and BB-9E with you?

Summer: Hux would never turn in my opinion. You'd have to keep him in a cell. BB-9E on the other hand could have a memory wipe and then he would be useful here. Probably even a new friend for BB-8.

4: General Grievous wishes to train you Ben and Summer when you come home

Summer: Grievous? Didn't he die? Obi-Wan shot him and he erupted in flames. I don't think you could survive that.

Kylo: Pfft. I don't need any training. That's an insult to me.


Great replies JoeyKirkpatrickJr!

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