General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Response to Hux!

*Millie hopped off me once Hux scooped me up, I bursted into a fit of giggles and laughing, squirming a bit as he tickled me. I kissed him back deeply, smiling big as he held my face. Once our lips parted I kept laughing, throwing my hands into the air joyfully* Oh thank you, your sweet lovingly kiss has saved me from the deathly grips of gravity! I live again!

Hux: *laughs, something he may have done only few times in his life, and lays down beside you, completely pushing his work aside, even off the bed unintentionally. He didn't care, he was enjoying hismelf too much. His smile was wide and genuine* Thank goodness I was able to react in time! I can't live without my beautiful princess! *kisses you again softly and winks* Just to be sure it worked.


I got all tingly writing this lol MinxCoda

Ask Star Wars 2!!! (continuation)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora