Kyra's recovery

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The two Druids lay flat on their backs, in the middle of the courtyard, with their eyes closed. The chief and the Healer walked up to them, looked down at their beat up bodies, and shook their heads with annoyance.

"Come my friend, let's go to dinner, the boys deserve each other!" The Healer said, wondering when those two will grow up and become men.

The Chief followed William back inside the castle with a heavy heart. He worried that when his wife finds out that their secret is out, she will have his head on a silver platter.

The dining area was full of hungry warriors, and ladies of the court who batted their eye lashes at them flirtatiously, as the servant girls served dinner. The Healer and the Chief made their way to the family table, and sat in their seats, when the wooden doors to the great hall crashed open with a loud bang, and Michael marched in the dining area with Edward following behind him.

They looked a mess, as they marched to the table like two cave men, and sat down opposite each other. Their hair was all over the place, they sported many cuts and bruises, but they didn't seem to mind. Michael's siblings all looked at each other, not at all surprised to see that the twins were at it again. Ever since Kyra came to the castle, the two were at each other's throats constantly. They used to be best friends, but now they acted like animals.

The chiefs wife knew that something was amiss when she threw a glance at her husband, and decided it was time to box his ears off, because she knew whatever it was he was hiding, she would not be too happy when she found out.

The Healer looked at Lidia's empty seat, and felt a pang in his heart that she hasn't been in his arms since Kyra has come back. Tonight he was not going to give her a choice, he was going to steal her from her chambers, take her to his bed and show her what she has been missing.

As Michael's ate his dinner, he looked around the dining area, and everything seemed normal, with murmured conversations, and laughter everywhere, but at his table, he noticed that there was a peculiar atmosphere in the air, a mixture of tension and anticipation. Reaching over to the platter in front of him, he stuck his fork in a piece of meat, placed it on his plate, wiped his hands with the napkin, and said in a deep and rich voice, "Did I miss something here? It seems to me that something is going on right under my nose!"

The Chief cleared his throat and said, "I need to call an important meeting in the library after dinner."

"Can't it wait, my betrothed is still in bed recovering, I must be by her side." Michael told him.

"You go ahead brother, and don't worry about Kyra, I will be attending to her wounds." Edward said, just to piss him off.

Michael's fist slammed against the wooden table, tipping a few goblets of ale over. "If you ever go near her again, I will slit your throat!" He growled with a thunderous voice, and had the attention of everyone in the entire dining room. "She is mine, and I swear by all that is Holy, that you will not live to see the sun rise again, if I catch you near Kyra again!"

"Do you honestly believe that when Kyra wakes up, it will be you that she will choose brother?" Edward asked sarcastically.

Before Michael had a chance to respond, the Healer immediately stood up on his feet, knocking his chair over, and yelled, "If the two of you don't stop fighting this instant, I will be the one to murder the both of you! Stop acting like cavemen, and start being civil to one another, because if Lidia suffers from your childish ways, you will have me to deal with, understand?"

The whole room fell silent, including the feuding brothers, when they heard William's angry voice echo across the huge dining area. The Healer hit the table with his fists and said, "We are all going to the library to hear what the Chief has to say, do I make myself clear?"

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