The vow's

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Kyra's heart pulled and tugged, and her tears turned to sobs, and she cried without knowing why. She didn't understand why she was so moved by the vow's. They were just words that someone had made up.

She looked up at the giant statue, and for some reason she was moved by the way his face revealed his pain, the artist did a great job capturing the essance of a man in pain for the loss of his bride.

Everyone was taking pictures, and she too pulled out her cell phone and took a few herself. Kyra remembered the website article stating that the myth was very orderly, and everything had to be done precisely in the order in which it was written for the Statue to come to life. His soulmate has to recite the vows during the exact time when the sun is setting to the west, and a drop of her tears must land on the written words by his feet. Only then will the Prince break free from the spell that had him captive for hundreds of years.

Kyra wondered who this princess was that loved him so much that she wrote such beautiful words of love for her vow's. If she ever existed, she must have truly been in desperate love with her prince. She walked away wanting to visit the other sites that she had come to see, and tried to put her thoughts of the statue to rest for the time being.

Following the tourist, Kyra made her way down a pathway that lead to the "Tower" where it was known to have been the prison that the princess was thrown into before she died from a broken heart. Everyone climbed the two hundred stairs all the way to the top, and entered through a stone entrance that lead into a large stone room, but as soon as she stepped into the room, a rush of feelings overwhelmed Kyra, and she was left breathless.

Narrowing her eyes, she looked around the large room, this is crazy, she thought wildly, as she felt a pull in her heart. Kyra walked to the open window for a breath of fresh air, and when she turned around, the last of the tourists were walking out of the stone room. She headed quickly to the doorway to follow everyone else, but a shinning object in the corner, caught her attention.

She walked to where it lay on the dirt floor, and bent down and picked it up. It was a gold ring with rubies all around it, and it was so beautiful that she slipped it on her finger. At that exact moment, a huge bright light around the ring exploded into a thousand fragments of light, and frightened Kyra, and she quickly tried to take the ring off, but it would not slide off her finger, it was stuck!

Bewildered by what had just transpired, Kyra took a moment to process the unbelievable events  when out of nowhere she saw a vision before her very eyes. It was the prince, he was holding in his arms his soulmate, and when the princess turned her head slightly towards her, Kyra saw a face that looked identical to hers. She stifled a cry of surprise, and the image disappeared. Running out of the room, she raced down the two hundred stairs as fast as her feet could take her. Kyra's heart beat wildly and her mind exploded with a million and one questions. What in the world just happened up there, and why was the princess's face identical to hers?

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