Thoughts and revelations

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In less than an hour the festivities were set to begin, and Kyra's heart was beating wildly. She did not want to marry a Druid Prince, she didn't even know what that was, but she was determined to find out.

Kyra marched in her parents tent and asked in a firm and unwavering voice, "Father what is a Druid?"

Her father threw her a warm smile, she was his only child, and he absolutely adored her. "A Druid my dear is a man, what else would he be? Did you think I would have you marry a dog?" And his two brothers who were sitting next to him threw their head back and laughed out loud.

Kyra narrowed her eyes and placed her hand on her hips, "This is not funny!"

Her father cleared his throat and got serious, "My dear, whatever he is, your are going to marry him regardless." He said in a serious tone of voice.

"You can't make me marry him father, if he is old and fat, I'm running away!" She claimed, as her tears glided down her angelic face.

Her father threw a quick look at his brothers and the three of them sobered up quickly.

"First of all, Druids are the handsomest men on earth, second of all, they stop aging at thirty two, they are immortal, and they have many gifts and talents. They are the most powerful beings on earth." He told her, and he stopped for a second to take a breath, "the MacAlister clan is the last of their kind, and they have to marry and reproduce, to keep their bloodline going."

"Then why would he want me father, I am not immortal?" Not understanding why a powerful Druid would want to marry her.

Her mother threw her father a look, and he immediately changed the subject. "Why don't you go to the river and bathe dear, it is almost time for us to go to the masquerade."

Kyra did not miss the eye exchange between her parents, and sighed, knowing that she will never get the truth from them. Throwing a new gown and a bar of scented soap in her bag, Kyra left her parents tent and walked the mile walk to the river.

Many unanswered questions danced in Kyra's mind, but regardless, she knew that she had no choice in the matter, she must marry the Druid Prince, her father and his father had made a deal two hundred years ago, way before she was even born, that she would marry him on or before her twenty second birthday. Her father told her that it was of great importance to their people that their union take place.

Reaching the river, Kyra dropped her bag on the grass, and walked to the edge of the river, and dipped her foot in the water to see if it was warm. She kept her clothes on this time, not wanting to risk someone seeing her naked, like the last time she was here, so she grabbed the scented bar of soap, and with her gown still on, she walked in the water, and reached underneath her gown and lathered her body. Once she was done with that, she dipped her whole entire body underneath the water to rinse herself. Kyra's missed her giant tub she had back home, and wondered what her life would be like here, for she knew that she was not ever going back home, she will remain here until the wedding date which was scheduled for one month from now.

Kyra knew that the Druids castle was grand, and her life would be a life of luxury, but Kyra did not care about riches, she wanted to live a simple life, with a man that she adored. Her entire life she had dreamt of a handsome husband, who absolutely adored her, she didn't care if he was rich or poor. Her fathers castle was full of riches and she lived a luxurious lifestyle, but none of that mattered to Kyra, she wanted a simple life, with the man of her dreams. She was not materialistic, she felt bad for the peasants who lived in poverty, and she wanted to help them, so they too could have a better life. Why is it, she thought, that some people lived in luxury and the rest of the world suffered a miserable life? It wasn't fair!


"How many times have I told you to be careful when you talk to kyra? She is not a child anymore, and she will ask many questions, and husband, If she ever finds out that she is not ours, I will kill you while you are assleep, you will not get away with it." She warned.

And her husband heeded the warning, knowing that she was one hundred percent right, he had to be careful with what came out of his mouth. For if anyone found out that she is a Druidess before the wedding, her life could be in grave danger. She must hurry and marry the Prince, and say the sacred vows, to make the soulmate connection, only then would she be safe from the witches of East Wick! Until then her life is at risk.

He thought back to the day when Kyra's biological parents came to him in the late hours of the night, and told him that Kyra's mother was pregnant, and the witches of East Wick were on to them. They told him the witches smelled the pregnancy, and they were in danger, because the witches did not want another Druid baby to be born, and they had the magic to destroy the pregnancy and end the mothers and child's life.

Douglas loved them both, and decided on that cold dreary night to help them. He hid them in the dungeon where the witches could not find them, and there they stayed until the baby was born, and then Douglas and his wife would claim the baby as theirs, because his wife could not conceive, and they were delighted to claim this baby as theirs. This way no one would be the wiser that the baby was a Druidess.

They decided to keep Douglas's wife in her chambers until the baby was born and then claim the baby was hers once it was born. The plan was set into action, and only a few trusted servants and his brothers new the truth.

Everything went according to plan, and a few months later, Kyra was born, because Druid babies only take four months instead of nine to be born, the baby came and everyone was ecstatically happy. It was a bittersweet moment for her real parents when she was born, because they only had a few minutes to hold her and give her blessings before it was time for them to leave. They didn't want the witches to make the connection that she was theirs. That night they left and never returned. It was whispered that the witches found them, and have them captive's somewhere until they revealed the wearabouts of the child.

Cheif Douglas Alexander of Morayshire, had tears in his eyes thinking about his friends who were prisoners, and probably tortured, because knowing and loving them all these years, he knew his friends would preferred to live a life of torture than to reveal to the witches where their child is. Douglas thought to himself that when Kyra marries the Druid, and she makes the soulmate connection, he will do everything he can to find his friends, but for now it must remain a secret. The prophecies must be fulfilled, but the witches are trying to stop the prophecies and rewrite history.

The Emerald Tablets were written thousand of years ago and so far everything is going according to plan. It is written that Michael and Kyra will unite in holy matrimony, and therefor complete one of the many prophecies in the Tablets.

Just to let you know that I am now number nine on the charts today, and I could have not done that without your help!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!! Please keep the votes and comments going, I appreciate your support!!! And please I beg of you, please refrain from using bad language in the comments because I got notified four times yesterday from the wattpad people about four different comments and I had to deletes them because I don't want to get in trouble from wattpad. Thank you again, and I want all of you to know that I adore you!!!!

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