Double the trouble!

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As Chief Douglas and William watched the Healers sons battle in the courtyard, William had a vision that he could hardly believe. Turning his attention to the Cheif, he looked at him, not believing what his vision just showed him.

"Why are you looking at me like that? It's not my fault your sons are fighting like animals." He said with a friendly laugh, not meaning to offend the Healer with his words.

William drew his eye brows together and asked, "Why didn't you tell me Kyra had a twin sister?"

The chief was taken aback that his secret was out. He took a deep inhalation of breath before he said in a low tone, not wanting anyone to hear him, one never knew who lurked in the shadows of the courtyard. "I was hoping to tell you after dinner tonight, but I see that your vision beat me to it." He lied, as sweat formed on his forehead.

"Why would you keep something like that from me?" The Healer asked, not at all happy with these turns of events.

"I wasn't sure if the prophecies were accurate, I apologize, please do not take this personal." The chief said wholeheartedly.

"Where is Kyra's sister?" He asked, not sure he would like the answer he would get.

"She is in the future, in a place called California. Tell me William, is she Edwards soulmate, because that would explain his behavior. He could be mixed up thinking that kyra is his soulmate. You know how it works with twins." The chief said, and waited patiently for Williams response.

"Yes she most definitely is his soulmate, and we must send Edward to the future so he could bring her here." The Healer said, with a hint of anger in his voice. He was greatly disappointed in his friend for keeping such an important piece of information to himself.

"That is exactly why I withheld from telling you! I do not want her to come here, and have the witches come after her! I have given her to parents who love her, and take care of her, and they keep her safe from evil!" The Cheif said, as fear settled into his stomach, "if you expose this secret, her life will be at risk!"

"Do her adoptive parents know who and what she is?" William asked.

"Yes, they know. They have been my friends for an eternity. They did me a huge favor by taking the child, and she became a great addition to their family. I visit them once in a while, just to make sure she is happy and safe." He said.

The healer looked at him with dismay, "Does Kyra's sister know the truth?"

"Of course not! It was better for her not to know. What purpose would it have had if they told her? It would only confuse her!" The chief said.

"She is a Druidess, and soon she will turn twenty two, and gain her magical powers! She must be told the truth, she belongs here Douglas, and you know this to be true!" Willam argued.

The chief looked away, upset that his secret was out. He had promised the girls real parents that he would protect their children, but now he was in trouble. He knew that the healer would make sure that Kyra's sibling came home, and then her life would be in danger too.

"I implore you, let the child live in peace in California. She is safer there, there is no need for anyone to know the truth!" The chief pleaded.

"So my son should live a life of torture, never connecting with a soulmate? Why would you even believe that I would allow my son to go through that? Can't you see what it's done to him? Look at what is happening as we speak! He is confused, and needs to be told the truth, I will not have my son feeling lonely, and lost without his soulmate, he needs to know Douglas!" The healer said with a hint of anger, before his focus was back on his children.

The chief sighed, knowing that he would not win this arguement. He knew that one day this would come out, but he was hoping that it would have been at least a few hundred years more before the truth was told, to ensure the girls safety.

"Fine, we can tell Edward after dinner. I will call a meeting, and explain all the details tonight, and may God have mercy on me when Edward finds out I've been keeping this from him!" Chief Douglas said.

Just to let all of you know, I truly appreciate all of you for your votes and comments. Of course the most votes go to Kyra and Michael to be together after he suffers a little for what's he done to her, and Edward by your demand will soon find his soulmate, and I will deliver a huge love story between the two of them!! Yahooo I'm so excited for Edward to meet his soulmate!!!!! I promise you I will deliver a huge love story to all of you. Thanks again for your love and support. Xoxxoxoxxoxxoxoxxo

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