Touch not my heart

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Kyra watched as the Greek god swam in the river, and she was hypnotized by the power and strength in which he moved in the water. She secretly wanted him for herself, but her ego could not admit that, because he was an arrogant fool, and she did not trust him, but that did not stop her from dreaming of what it would be like to make love to a Greek God.

Taking a deep inhalation of breath, she continued to watch him, until she realized that she had better leave before he comes out of the water and finds her spying on him. She waited until he was swimming the opposite direction, and she grabbed her bag and started to run as fast as her feet could take her, but it wasn't fast enough.

"Here you are again Godess, I was hoping to see you again." His voice was deep and rich, and Kyra felt butterflies in her stomach.

Kyra slowly turned around and met his emerald eyes, and her knees almost gave out, and she was angry at herself for allowing him to have that much control over her, when he was nothing but an arrogant pig.

"Why would you hope to see me again?" She said in a cool and collective tone of voice, and Michael's smile disappeared.

She had power over him, he knew that, and he was not sure what to do, because in his five hundred years of life, he has never met a woman who spoke to him in this way before. All the woman swooned at his feet, and now, this Godess wants nothing to do with him! He didn't know how to handle this.

"I don't know, you seem to have me hypnotized, and I can't stop thinking about you." He said truthfully.

Kyra's heart melted, but she reminded herself that he was an arrogant fool, and she turned her heart to stone to protect herself. "Do not waste your thoughts on me, because you'll be wasting your time! I am not interested in you!" She lied.

Michael's heart sank when she mouthed those words, but he wanted her even more now. No one has ever rejected him before, and he did not know how to handle this situation. All he knew was that he wanted her so much, that it hurt deep in his gut.

These feelings were knew to Michael, and he became desperate with need for her, like a magnet was pulling deep in his gut. He had heard a few of his friends tell him that they felt that way when they fell in love with their soulmate. They told him that the feelings involved with the soulmate connection were so deep that one could not exist without the other, but why would he have these feelings for this wench. She was nothing but a peasant, she was not royalty, nor was she his bride, confused, Michael was left speechless for the first time in his entire life, as desperation consumed him with the need for her.

"Can you at least tell me your name?" There was desperation in his voice, and for a moment Kyra forgot about his arrogance and wanted to taste his luscious lips.

"My name is not of importance, after I leave here, we will not see each other ever again!" She said, and her heart for some reason twisted with sadness, as she mouthed those words.

Michael did not understand what was happening to him, and out of desperation, he reached out and grabbed the Godess, and pulled her into his strong and possesive arms, and he kissed her. They melted together as one, and forgot about everything else around them. It was powerful for the both of them, a feeling that overpowered every sense of reality.

Kyra hungrily kissed him, even though her mind was warning her not to allow herself to believe in him. He was no good, her mind reasoned, but her heart spoke a language of its own. She held on to him as if there was no tomorrow, and Michael noticed the way she kissed him, and he tightened his grip on her, never wanting to let her go.

He must have her, he thought wildly. He must find a way to keep her, for he knew that he was falling in love with her, and this revelation was super powerful for him to acknowledge!

"Godess, come with me, let me have you just this once." He said hoarsely.

Kyra heart beat wildly, she wanted to say yes, but she could not give herself to him, having saved her virginity for her marraige bed, and she pulled away from him, and looked up at his handsome chiseled face and said regretfully, "Please, this was a mistake, I must leave now!"

And Michael saw the tears in her eyes before she turned and ran away.

In three long strides, he caught up to her, grabbed her arm, and turned her around to face him. Her deep blue eyes shined with tears, and he slammed her against his muscled chest.

"Godess, don't leave me without telling me your name." He whispered in a husky tone. "I need you, tell me your name for Gods sake!"

And Kyra wanted to tell him who she was, but what good would that do? She was going to meet her future husband today, and give her life to him, there was no room for this Greek God in her life, so with sadness, she mustered up all her strength inside her and said, "There is no reason for you to know my name, this time tomorrow you will have already forgotten me, and I will do the same." And she pulled once again out of his embrace, "Do not come after me again, please let me be, I beg of you to respect my wishes." She cried, and ran away.

Michael felt a deep sense of lost as he watched her runaway from him until she disappeared from his view. He wanted to run after her, and claim her his, but he respected her words, even though they cut deep inside his heart. His heart twisted with pain, knowing that he might not ever see her again, and he felt something on his face that he had never felt before in his entire life, a single tear glided slowly down his handsome chiseled face, and he knew that he would move Heaven and earth until he finds the Godess, for she will be his, because he will not rest until he has her back in his arms.

He marched back to his castle with a tortured heart, and headed straight for the library, where he knew he would find privacy, so he could cry without anyone judging him. He needed to find a way and release the pain in his heart, for he knew that he would not be able to handle the upcoming events if he did not find a way to stop his heart from hurting. He hated who he was, he wanted to be free to live his life as he chose to, and not be bound by ancient laws, that dictated to him who he can love, and who he can marry! For the first time in his entire life, he did not care what anyone else thought of him, and he let his guard down, and released all the pent up feelings inside him, and the tears rolled down his handsome chiseled face, and freed him from the chains of prison that held him captive to his duties day in and day out for hundreds of years.

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