She's a miracle

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Hawk howled out loud with grief when he saw that his wife was hurt. There were many bruises across her belly, and her one eye was swollen shut. Who would dare hurt his soulmate, he thought with rage, I shall kill him with my bare hands!

Many emotions claimed Hawks mind and heart, as he tried to calm himself down, and focus on Nessa bringing his babe into the world. He took her hand in his calloused one, and brought it to his lips. Hawk was known for his strength and courage, but at this moment he felt vulnerable and lost. He choked back a sob, and dropped to his knees next to the bed where Nessa lay.

"My heart." He whispered hoarsely.

"Hawk, please don't leave me ever again." She begged, as another pain seized her.

Hawk swallowed, as the guilt traveled through his heart and twisted it, and he closed his eyes tight for a second. When he opened them again, they were filled with tears. "I'm not going anywhere Nessa." He said in a broken voice. "I will never leave you again!"

Nessa screamed again, as another pain ripped across her belly.

"Push Nessa, push as hard as you can, the babe must come out!" Dora yelled, and threw Hawk a knowing look.

Hawk narrowed his eyes, not understanding what she was trying to tell him, until he saw all the witches cry around him, and shake their heads with grief. Only then did he realize that Nessa was in danger.

He jumped to his full height, and yelled at Dora, "Step aside!"

Dora did as she was told, and Maya and Hilda, gathered around Nessa, just in case they were needed.

"I see the head, push Nessa, push as hard as you can!" Hawk said, totally in control of the situation. He was not going to let anything happen to Nessa and his child. "Again Nessa, one more time, come on Nessa, you can do it, push!" He yelled.

Hawks broke out in sweat, and his heart thumped wildly. Why wasn't the baby coming out, he wondered, terrified that something was wrong.

"Nessa, push one more time, as hard as you can, you can do it! I know you love this child just as much as I do, and Nessa, if you gift me this child, I will place my life in your hands to command for as long as I shall live! I promise you this! Push Nessa, push!" He cried, his voice was deep, and sounded tortured.

Nessa saw all the emotions and love in her lovers eyes, and wanted nothing more than to gift him this child. Ignoring the ripping sensation of her skin, and all the pain that seized her, she pushed with all her might, and heard the witches cry with excitement, and nearly fainted.

Hawk prepared for the birth of his child, this was it, he thought, terrified of the whole experience, scared that something might go wrong. It was well known that many woman die during delivery.

The baby's head slipped out, and Hawk prepared himself to recieve her. Putting out his arms, he placed his hands close to the opening, when quickly, the rest of the baby slipped out, and fell into the arms of her father. The witches cheered and clapped their hands, and hugged each other, doing a witch dance from all their excitement.

Dora, Hilda, and Maya, looked at each other, trying to hide the grief in their hearts, that would soon befall Hawk. They knew that Nessa's recovery was slim to none, she had lost a great deal of blood, and the witches were left with no hope.

Hawk did not notice anything wrong was about to happen, he was overjoyed with his beautiful baby girl, who looked at him, as if she already knew he was her father. Everything inside Hawk came to life, and reached out to this baby, and the baby too, every cell in her body prepared for the Fay connection, that branded them father and daughter to all eternity.

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