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"Hello, everyone!" I exclaimed once all the boys arrived at the dance room.

They were all looking extremely tired and kept yawning. It was quite a sight.

"Did you all sleep well?" I asked them.

"What do you think?" Bu Fan scoffed.

"I think you should all start warming up. Let's see if that way you all wake up a little." I told them.

After groaning, they began running around the room. I went to the laptop and played the song so that they familiarised themselves with it.

When they finished, I asked them to stretch. Meanwhile, I was revising the choreography to make sure to teach it to them properly.

Once they were done witht that too, it was time to start working.

"Boys, one last time from the top and we are finished!" I said as I went to the laptop to play the song from the beginning. "The one that does it the best will be able to leave rehearsal tonight an hour early!" 

Instantly they all got to work and tried the best, which I was thankful for. They all were really stressed as we were really close to the last stage and I could see it in their faces, but they needed to work hard.

When they finished, I looked at the notes I had taken during the whole class and saw that Zhengting was the one I took less notes of and told him he was the chosen one to leave early. He obviously was really excited and laughed at the rest's faces.

After their rehearsal was finished, the boys from It's Okay came in and it was time to start all over again. In the end I would be the most tired out of them all.

"Hello, boys!" I said as they went inside. "Ready to work?"

I then told them to start warming up and stretching while I went to the side to dry off the sweat that had appeared in my neck and forehead. I was extremely tired, but I had to make sure their stages would be perfect.

"First of all." I said while they finished stretching." Thank you very much for choosing my song. I really appreciate it and I am glad you liked it."

"Are you kidding? It is amazing!" Yanjun exclaimed.

"Anyways, I want to make sure that each one of you shines in this stage and that you all show your true colours, so you do not have to follow the vocal guide nor the choreography strictly. You need to make it your own, you need to give it your own colours. Only that way will you be able to shine." I explained. "Now that that is settled, let's start working and let's make sure you all excel this performance. I know you can!"

We then all got to work and they were far more talkative and asked more questions than the other group. That was probably because they were far more awake. I happily answered all of the questions they had and stopped whenever they said they had trouble with a movement. 

"Chaoze, stop learning the dances so quickly!" Zhangjing said. "I barely remember the first part and you are already asking her to move on quicker." 

"I can't help that I learn choreographies fast!" Chaoze reasoned.

"It's okay. We will revise it many times, Zhangjing, you don't need to worry." I reassured him. "Chaoze, why don't you help some of the boys with the steps they have most trouble with and I will help some others?"

"Said and done!" He said and quickly began helping them.


It was night already and I had just finished the last rehearsal of the day, but I still had to rehearse my own songs. I was really tired and the time didn't help at all, but I had to get it done sooner or later, so I just began working.

"Lin, aren't you coming?" Chengcheng, who had left the room minutes before, asked.

"I need to rehearse the dances for my performances too." I explained. "Well, our performances. But you won't have to dance."

"Why not?" He asked me.

"Because you join after the first chorus and there is only dance for the chorus for us." I told him.

"I want to dance to the whole song too!" He exclaimed.

"You need to sleep!" I told him.

"Don't worry, I can take naps between rehearsals." He told me. "Besides, you are the one here who won't get any sleep."

"I have my methods, don't worry." I said. "Now, if you really want to dance too, let's start working."

"Sure. Which song first?" He asked me. "<My New Swag> or <Ego>?"

"<My New Swag>. We will have backup dancers for that one."

"Who?" He asked me. "Are they hiring them?"

"It's a surprise, but don't worry about it. The dance is in good hands." I reassured him. "Now, let's get to work."

We then began working. I had missed working with him a lot and I loved how he always tried to lift the mood by making small jokes. He really made sure I was feeling happy and I wasn't tired.

As the dance we were making up for him was complementary to mine, I found it funny when I did a kind of bad twerking and he touched my butt (2:06). It was hilarious to say the least.

At around two in the morning he forced me to stop the rehearsal because he said I needed to get some decent sleep time. I agreed with him to an extent, but I also wanted our performances to be perfect. Even if I had nothing to lose with them, I wanted to show the Citizen Producers that I was capable of being an artist too and to show them I will try my best even if I was no longer in the program.

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now