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The next morning it was time to start practising. I went to the A room with the rest of the boys and we started to warm up and stretch.

"I think we should do it a few times and then we can help each other with our mistakes," I suggested.

"That's fine by me." Said Ding Zeren.

"Any objections?" Asked Xukun and everyone shook their head.

We then rehearsed the dance a few times and we more or less had everything memorized.

"Can someone help me with the steps in 你整个世界被我占据 (Nǐ zhěng ge shì jiè bèi wǒ zhàn jù )?" I asked the boys as I couldn't seem to keep up with the tempo.

Lin Chaoze volunteered to help me. The boys decided to practice too and we had it mastered in about five minutes.

We then practised our vocals and the boys were still struggling with the high notes.

We stopped in each of our problems and mistakes to get it perfect until it was time for us to go to vocal lessons with Li Ronghao.

"Hello, teacher." We all said bowing as he came in.

"How do you guys feel, did you sleep well last night?" He unexpectedly asked us and a series of fines, okays and well were heard. "Sleep is very important, yes. Come sit for a bit."

We all sat down in a row on the floor in front of the piano while he sat on the stool.

"There's something I didn't talk to you about yesterday. It's just that there were trainees here that thought that could be in charge of vocal, but A class... You all put your hands down, right?" Teacher Li Ronghao said making us all flustered. "Why?"

"Teacher, it's just that in my group I dance and rap, I'm just not that good at singing. But I really like to sing and I also really want to learn." Ziyi said nervously.

"Relax a bit." Li Ronghao said smiling.

We all tried to relax but it was obvious that we still were a bit uncomfortable.

"In my group, I'm responsible for the rap," Justin said.

"My high notes don't sound that good," Zhengting added.

"In my group, the tone of my voice is a little out of place." Lin Chaoze told him.

"I... I like to sing." Chen Linong softly said making teacher Li Ronghao confused. " I like to sing."

"Oh, you spoke too softly, I didn't hear." Teacher said. "Okay, that's no problem."

"I am in charge of dancing in my group." Ding Zeren said.

"And you, Zhu Lin?" Li Ronghao asked me.

"I'm not really yet sure which skill I'm more comfortable with, so I didn't want to raise my hand due to that," I admitted.

We told him how we had been practising and we had gotten a better understanding of it.

"Everyone will sing solo once, okay? Relax and sing." Li Ronghao told us.

The first one was Xukun. He had managed to hit the high notes though the teacher told him he had to be careful with the subtle changes of tone. 

The next one was Zhengting. You could definitely see that he was nervous, but he hit the notes perfectly and the teacher complimented him.

Ding Zeren also did really well. He hit the notes correctly and the teacher only pointed out a few things.

When Justin's turn came, I was beyond nervous. He had gotten almost no training in vocals and he didn't have that much control over his voice due to it. He was trembling and Li Ronghao noticed it, so he made him try to relax. He had to repeat it a few times, the teacher always telling him what he should change and what he should improve.

The rest followed and they did okay, the teacher only pointing out some small things. Then, it was my turn.

I was so nervous that I was visibly trembling.

"Hey, relax. I'm not going to bite you or anything. Why are you so scared to sing now? This isn't an exam."The teacher said.

I managed to relax a bit and sang the part once, although I did sing it rather low.

"What happens?" He asked me. "I remember your performance from yesterday and your voice seemed more powerful than this. Try it again."

I now sang it louder. Making sure that I put power into my voice and stressed every note correctly.

"Much better," he said. "I think you should be more confident in your singing skills. You definitely sing really well and have a lot of control over your voice. I hope that in future you can show more of your skills."

"Thank you," I told him and we went back to practising.

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now