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"I'm going for 460." Said Yanchen raising his hand.

"I'll bet 480! "Said Justin.

"Are you serious?" Said Qin Fen laughing. "She can't have gotten so much."

"Zhangjing, just reveal it already!" I told him and sent murderous eyes towards Qin Fen.

The score was then revealed number by number starting from the end.


"Gosh, Zhangjing, just reveal it already!" Yelled Zhengting from his seat.

He then revealed the last number. 495?!

I then began jumping up and down excited and even jumped on Yanjun's back.

"I TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU!" I yelled as I ran around.

I then went towards Qin Fen and began laughing at his face.

"Where you saying?" I said and he scoffed. "Thought so!"

"Okay, okay. Calm down, everybody!" Said Zhangjing. "This is an unexpected turn of events. I think we need to have a tie break once again!"

"Oh, no. Not again." Said Yuntian who seemed to be tired.

"Oh, yes." Laughed Yanjun and pushed him towards the machine. "Come on, Yuntian. You can do it!"

After sighing and stretching he went for it once again. He got a score of 495 once again.

"What a situation, ain't it?" Said Yanjun while laughing. "Lin, your turn."

My wrist was still aching a bit so I didn't really want to risk it becoming something worse.

"Can I kick it instead?" I asked them and they looked bewildered.

"I... I don't see why not." Said Zhangjing. "Do you mind, Yuntian?"

"It's okay." He said and I thanked him.

I then asked them to get away from the machine and ran towards it. I then did one of the few martial arts moves that I knew and kicked it with as much power as I could.

"Woah~~~!" The boys said after I hit it.

We then waited for the machine to reveal the number and we were all shocked.


The boys then began clapping and they all went crazy.

"Well, ain't this a turn of events?" Said Zhangjing to the cameras as he shook his head. "To think she ended up winning."

"I told you I was strong!" I said and did a little dance.

"Remind me to never get her upset once again..." Told Chengcheng to Zeren and he nodded rapidly.

"I think this is yours." Said Yuntian taking the belt off.

"Oh, no, no. Keep it. I don't want to take the manly prize that Yanjun and Zhangjing were talking about from you."

"Sorry Zeren, it wasn't a viagra." I said turning towards him. "My bad!"

Chengcheng and him then both laughed hysterically while the rest looked confused.

We definitely had good fun.


After dinner, I went with Chengcheng, Justin, Zhengting, Zeren, Ziyi and Xukun to the rooftop. The weather was really nice and we decided to go up there to relax and unwind.

"Ah, I really missed relaxing like this!" Said Xukun as he laid down on the floor beside me. "This program has been so hectic and stressful that I think I even forgot what laying down is."

"Me too." Agreed Justin lying down too. "We've all been so busy that I don't think we had time to ourselves."

"I'm really glad they made us play that game this morning. Otherwise, I think we would have all been too stressed for tomorrow. I really don't want tomorrow to come." Added Zhengting.

"We've all been working so hard that it really is so painful to know that some will be leaving. The fact that they programmed the eliminations half-way through rehearsals is too cruel. All the hard work can come to nothing." I said.

"We just have to hope for the best and see what comes!" Said Zeren standing up trying to cheer up. "Are we really going to become all serious now? It's true that we haven't had time to have serious chats, but we need to have fun, to destress!"

"Zeren's right!" I said and high-fived him. "We need to have fun because, who knows? I may be leaving tomorrow and I surely don't want to spend my last day here lurking and crying over how I could have done better."

"Alright, alright!" Said Xukun sitting up. "What do you propose then?"

"Why don't we play seven minutes in heaven?" Asked Justin. "There's no need for it to be sexual, you know. We can use it to tell each other things we wouldn't if it wasn't for this game."

"Sure. I don't see why not." I said and everyone else nodded.

As we didn't have pen or paper, we stuck with the two losers to rock paper scissors.

"Xukun and Chengcheng. Off you go!" Said Zeren and sent them to the other side of the rooftop where they sat and began chatting.

From time to time, I could see them looking at us so I sent them a smile.

"I'm really curious about what they may be talking about." Said Ziyi.

"Yeah, me too." Agreed Zeren. "Whatever they are talking about seems to be serious."

"Let's leave them alone." Spoke up Zhengting. "As long as they don't kill each other, it's fine."

"Why don't we just pair up?" I said after a few seconds of silence. "I mean... Waiting seven minutes each time is a little boring, so why don't we just pair up using rock paper scissors and then just simply rotate? That way we would all be able to talk to each other provately and at the same time not waste time waiting."

"But we are an odd number." Pointed out Ziyi.

"Well, that person can keep track of the time." I suggested.

"I'm okay with it." Said Zhengting and the rest agreed. "Let's wait for these two to finish and we'll tell them."

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now