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A/N: If you want to ask anything about the story or any personal questions, feel free to do so!

QOTD: Where are you from?



The next day, we went back to the dorm after dinner as we wanted to properly rest for the next day. We knew we would have to work really hard, so there was no energy to waste. We were just a few days away from eliminations.

"Who will shower first?" I asked once we were there.

"I call it dibs!" Justin yelled and ran to the bathroom.

"That's unfair!" Zhengting said slamming the door.

"I don't care!" Justin yelled from inside and Chengcheng and I chuckled.

We then looked at each other and I quickly turned away from him. Picking my phone up and playing some music to avoid an uncomfortable silence.

"너를 처음 본 이후

모든 사소한 이유는 필요 없어진 feeling
초의 백분위까지
느껴지는 magic 섬세한 one minute
내 모든 신경이 전부 곤두서
너를 알기를 원해
낯설고 미묘한 작은 떨림마저
전부 다 전해지네" I began singing along to <Baby don't stop> by Taeyong and TEN from NCT.

"Stop baby don't stop

멈추지 마 baby don't stop

나만 알아볼 특별한 그 sign

둘 뿐인 지금 baby don't stop "Began singing Chengcheng scaring me for a second.

"Why do you always make a duet of any song?" Zhengting said and began mocking us. "STAHP, BABY DON'T STAHP! MEOMCHUJI MA BABY DON'T STAHP!"

I then threw one of my pillows at him and he only dodged it by millimetres.

"I'm sorry Mr. <I was in Produce 101 in Korea.>" I mocked him. "Perhaps my Korean isn't good enough for his majesty."

"How do you know that?!" He asked me. "Did you tell her about it?" He asked Chengcheng.

"I said nothing!" Chengcheng said putting his arms up in surrender.

"Then through the internet?" He asked me.

"No, idiot." I said and flicked his forehead lightly. "I watched the program. I can recognise JungJung anywhere!"

"Don't call me JungJung!" He said.

"Why? You don't like it?" I said and chased after him. "JungJung, JungJung, JungJung, JungJung...!"

Justin then went out of the bathroom with just a towel around his hips and looked at us weirdly.

"Why is she calling him by his Korean name?" He asked Chengcheng.

"Look! We also have the famous, cute Justin with us!" I said in Korean people before Chengcheng had a chance to reply.

"Okay, this is weird!" He said. "I'm out!"

He then put his arms up and his towel fell to the floor. Chengcheng, having good reflexes and being practically next to me, blocked my vision so that I couldn't see Justin's... thingy.

"Put some pants on, you idiot!" Yelled Chengcheng who was still in front of me. "Why don't you have underwear on!"

"I called it dibs and didn't realise I hadn't picked up any clothes." Justin said after putting his underwear back on. "I'm really sorry, Lin."

"Don't... don't worry... I didn't see a thing." I said still a little shocked.

"Thank god you were quick, Chengcheng." Said Zhengting and sighed before checking his clock. "It's eleven already. We should go to sleep. I can wake you up earlier for you to shower if you want, Lin."

"Sure. Thank you." I said.

I then picked up my pyjamas and went to the bathroom to change before going to bed. Once I was back, they were all already changed. Chengcheng didn't wear a t-shirt again.

"Why aren't you wearing a T-shirt, Chengcheng?" Justin asked him. "It's freezing!"

"I..." He tried to explain himself but I threw the one he had given me the previous day on his face.

"Put it on." I said to avoid an awkward topic. "You literally just leave your things anywhere."

"Thank you..." He said and put it on.

"Do you still want us to trade beds?" Zhengting asked me.

For a moment I thought I saw Chengcheng looking sad. It must have been my imagination, though.

"I..." I began but I didn't know what to respond. "I think I'll stay on my bed today. Thank you, anyways."

I then went to bed quickly and placed a towel in between Chengcheng and I's bed just like I had seen in the Banana Culture dorm. That would have to work.


In the morning I was woken up by a sleepy Zhengting with wet hair rubbing his eyes.

"You can shower now, Lin." He told ne and I nodded.

Barely opening my eyes, I searched for my clothes in the dark bedroom and headed to the bathroom. Locking the door behind me to avoid uncomfortable situations.

As I showered, I could barely open my eyes. I was really sleepy and feeling exhausted for an unknown reason.

After I was done and had changed, I went back to the room to put the laundry away and saw that our basket was already full.

"Zhengting, you wake them up. I'm going to wash all of this." I whispered to him and he thanked me.

After a few minutes, I arrived at the empty laundry room and began separating the clothes. The worst part of all of this was all of the *gags* underwear of my male roomates. I was slightly used to it by now, though, and back at home I had to wash my brother's stuff sometimes.

After a few minutes it all was done and I sat down on one of the benches to wait for it to finish. Not realising it. I fell asleep once again.

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now