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After our chat with PD, we went back to work. We still had two songs to go (as we only recorded the Chinese ones) and we wanted to finish it as soon as possible, but still caring about the quality.

"I think you should try to make the <Ego> more laid back instead of pronouncing it perfectly." PD suggested and demonstrated. "I think it helps the flow of the song."

"Okay, I'll try again." I said and did it using his advice. It sounded much better.

"Okay, perfect." He told me. "There's only one verse left and we are done. You can do it!"

"Okay, let's get it!" I encouraged myself and recorded the last verse.

"I really like how it turned out. I think there's no need to repeat it." PD told me." We're done!"

I then took of the headphones and went out of the recording booth. Both PD and Chengcheng applauded me.

"You officially have recorded four full songs!" Chengcheng said and embraced me in a hug. "Congratulations!"

"You too!" I told him.

"You both worked hard. I'm very happy for both of you." PD told us. "Don't forget about me when you become famous and these end up becoming hits!"


We were back in the dorms after recording. Justin, Chengcheng and Zhengting chatted while I was reading a book, resting my head on Chengcheng's lap.

"Tomorrow they are going to explain us the mentor evaluation. The ranking reveal will be while we rehearse." Justin told us.

"But the ones eliminated?" Asked Chengcheng.

"Don't worry. They won't leave until the performances are done." Zhengting told us.

"But having to perform when you know you have been eliminated..." Said Chengcheng. "Performing with the mentors is already amazing, but it's not the same if you know you are leaving..."

"Then you should try to make the beat of it!" I said closing my book and sitting down properly. "If you know you are leaving then you should try your best. It is your last stage after all."

"You act as if though you knew you are leaving." Pointed out Justin. "You aren't going anywhere!"

"That's not for us to decide, it's the Citizen Producer's choice." I told him. "All we can do is pray."

Then there was a knock on the door and saw Xiao Gui and Xingjie there.

"Hello!" I said standing up. "What brings you here?"

"Guys, can we borrow her for a few hours?" Xingjie asked the boys. "We need her help."

"Did something happen?" Asked Chengcheng.

"No, don't worry. Is just a small thing."Xiao Gui reassured him.

"See you in a bit, then." I told the boys and gave each of them a kiss on the top of their heads.

After that, I followed them to their dorm.

"What is it that you need me for?" I asked them once we arrived.

"Xiao Gui and I decided to roam around the buildings this morning and we couldn't help but hear the recording studio being used." Xingjie began explaining as he sat down and opened his laptop. "The thing is, we sneakily opened the door and saw none other that our one and only Linlin inside the recording booth rapping to what we found out is one of her songs."

"I don't see where you are going."

"I am currently working on a rap and I was wondering if you could help me." He blurted out.

"You could have just said that!" I said and chuckled. "Is it for the music or the lyrics?"

"The music. I came up with the lyrics a long time ago, but I don't know which type of music can fit it."

"Rap it, then." I told him. "Let's see if I come up with anything."


About an hour and a half later we already had a draft for the song so that he could work from there.

Checking the time, we saw that it was already nine and we hadn't had dinner, so we headed to the canteen to eat something.

I then texted Chengcheng if they had dinner already and he told me they had, so I just went with them.

Once we arrived, we saw the Banana entertainment boys were having dinner too, so we decided to sit with them. I sat between Yanjun and Xiao Gui.

"Good evening!" I said as I sat down.

"Good evening! How come aren't you with the Yehua boys? You're always with them." Asked a curious Chaoze.

"Today was Grammarie's turn!" I said jokingly.

"When will it be Banana's turn, then?" Yanjun asked.

"Already missing me?"

"Quite. After your fight with your thick headed boyfriend we barely ever talk."

"I'm sorry ahout that..."

"Don't worry. I get it." He told me and sneakily kissed my cheek, earning a hit in the arm on my behalf. "By the way, did you guys hear about the mentor evaluations?"

"Justin told me earlier. Who are you most excited to colaborate with?" I asked them.

"I honestly don't care. Performing with any of the mentors is already amazing." Said Chaoze.

"But you must be inclined towards someone." I told him. "Perhaps Zhangjing prefers collaborating with Ronghao as he is a vocal."

"You guessed right!" Zhangjing said with a grin.

"I want to do rap." Said Yanjun. "So I guess MC Jin."

"Same." Agreed Xiao Gui and high fived him.

"What about you?" Chaoze asked me. "Are you inclined towards anyone?"

"I personally don't know what to do..." I said scratching my nape. "I really want sing and dance, but I want to rap at least on one stage..."

"You must rap!" Told me Xingjie. "After what we heard earlier, you need to show them your rap skills!"

"Maybe we will be able to perform together once!" Said Yanjun laughing. "I really want to see you rapping too."

"Then it's settled: if I can, I will rap!" I said decidedly.

"Great!" Said Xiao Gui giving me a side hug. "I hope we can be together on this stage too."

"I'm still mad about the fact that we haven't performed together yet!" Xingjie told me. "To think that we were so close to performing <Dream> together. "

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now