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Two chapter's in one day?!?
Is it Christmas?!?!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy it. This chapter was too cute for me to save it until tomorrow or the day after


Once we were back in the dorms Chaoze, Yanjun, Zhangjing, Ziyi, Xiao Gui, Xingjie, Linong and Xukun decided to hang out in our dorm for a while. Twelve people in our room was a lot, so I had to pull everything aside so that everyone could get in. 

After a while chatting, corfew approached so we had to turn the music off and be as quiet as possible.

"I'm bored. Why don't we play something?" Zhangjing suggested.

"Sure. What should we play?" Asked Justin.

"Why don't we play truth or dare?" Chaoze proposed.

"What are we, twelve?" Groaned Ziyi.

"Unless you have any better suggestions, I don't see why not." Said Zhengting and sat down on the floor. "Come on, let's make a circle."

We then all sat down on the floor making a circle. Yanjun was on my right side and Chengcheng on my left.

"Do you have any bottles?" Xingjie asked me.

I then grabbed my empty vitamin water that I had next to my bed and threw it to him.

"Okay. Now that it's all settled, let's talk about rules." Zhengting began.

"Rules? We are old enough, we don't need rules!" Xukun then said and we all agreed.

Xingjie was the first to spin the bottle. It landed on Xiao Gui and he picked dare.

" Take a selfie with the toilet and post it on the groupchat." He told him and we all laughed.

"I'm going to kill you." Xiao Gui said and stood up. 

We then followed him to the bathroom and he went to take a picture with it.

"Wait!" Xingjie said and he stopped. "Open the toilet seat." He said and we all laughed even harder.

After he took the picture and sent it we all went back our places and continued with the game.

A few rounds later, we were all almost rolling on the floor from laughter. Chaoze had to wear his underwear over his trousers for all the game, Ziyi had to rhyme everything he said, Justin had to brush Zhengting's teeth, Yanjun got a makeover from Zhangjing, Zhangjing had to give himself a mohawk, Xingjie had to create a rap about Koalas, Linong had to serenade Xukun, Xukun had to draw a face on his hand and whenever he spoke he had to pretend his hand was the one doing it and Zhengting had to film a makeup tutorial and post it on the groupchat.

It was then Chengcheng's turn. He too picked dare and they all started to think about what he could do.

"Okay, got it! You have to do fourty push ups with Lin underneath you!" Zhengting announced.

"Hey! This is not my dare!" I complained.

"Well, I'm sorry for you." He said and they all laughed.

I then layed down on the floor and Chengcheng got into his position. I blushed like mad and covered my face with my hands.

"Remember, fourty!" Justin reminded him and he nodded.

"I'm sorry, Lin." Chengheng said and he then began.

"1...!" The boys said and he got down. His face was inches away from mine and I had to fight the urge to kiss him then and there. "2...!"

It went on and on like that. When he reached 25 he was too tired and his arms got wobbly. The boys were whispering something to each other on the side.

"Lin, thruth or dare!" Justin suddenly whispered in my ear.

"But Chengcheng hasn't finished..." I began saying but he cut me off.

"Thruth or dare?!" He repeated sternly.

"Dare...?" I answered.

"We dare you to kiss Chengcheng for ten seconds." He said and I looked at him shocked. 

"What?!" I yelled.

"Do it!" They all said as Chengcheng continued with his dare. He was on thirty nine. "Now!"

When Chengcheng got down for his 40th push up I gathered all of my courage and leaned in to kiss him. He at first didn't respond to it but eventually kissed me back.

"Woah!" They all then yelled making me blush even more.

Chengcheng then ran his hand though my hair and kissed me for one last second before we pulled away.

I was as red as a tomato by that point and excused myself. I went out of the room and went to the window at the end of the corridor. I opened it and fanned myself with my hand as I try to stop blushing.

The events came rushing back to me. I had kissed Chengcheng! We had known each other for two months and I had a crush on him, that's something that I had already accepted, but kissing him was another thing.

Were things going to be the same now or were they going to get awkward? Did he find out I had a crush on him? Was our friendship going to end? Would he hate me now?

As all those questions ran through my head, I didn't notice I had dropped a few tears. I tried to dry them but couldn't as they kept flowing. Why was I crying now? Why was I crying if I dindn't know anything yet? Why was I jumping to conclusions?

"Linlin?" I then heard someone say from behind me.

I quickly dried my tears and turned around only to find Chengcheng there. I quickly turned back around so that he didn't see I had been crying.

"Why are you here? You should be playing with the rest." I said with my back facing him.

"I wanted to check on you. You left so suddenly that I was worried." He said and I only just nodded. After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, he spoke again. "Look, I'm sorry about the dare. I get you didn't want to do it but the boys found out about... you know... my feelings...?" I then turned around and looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"You don't know?" He asked me, shocked.

"Is there something I should know?" I asked him.

"Well, I thought it was obvious..." He began and scratched his nape. "You know...? That I like you and all..."

"Wait, what?" I said shocked.

"I can't believe you haven't noticed before. I thought I was being to obvious." He said. "I'm sorry, Lin. I don't want to make things weird between us. Just ignore the fact that I even said this."

"No!" I said rather loudly startling him. "I actually... you know...? I'm not good at this things..." I said looking towards the floor and blushing.

He then approached me and lifted my face up so that I faced him.

"Can I kiss you?" He said looking at me in the eyes. "No dares this time."

I nodded and his lips met mine gently.

This, was definitely the best day of my life.



The next chapters are going to be from the long lost Happy Camp extra book. I just wanted to say it so that you don't find it strange that I'm not posting in this one.

Are you enjoying the story so far?

I really like to see your feedback, so don't hesitate to comment. I thoroughly enjoy reading all of your comments.

Have a nice day!


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