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"Hello, everyone. Welcome to your first time at Idol Producer's performance venue." PD began presenting. "I am the representative of you and all those in front of their screens, the Nation's Producer representative, Zhang Yixing. Coming here today you are not just an audience going to watch the performances by 100 trainees. Today, you are the producers of all the trainees on stage. Your critics are exceptionally important to them. Today's test mission is: group battle. 100 trainees split into a total of 16 teams, competing in pairs performing the same song. After the performances by both teams, cast your vote to choose one trainee which you support the most. Of course, if you are not satified with his performance, you can choose to give up your vote too. Amongst the two teams, the one that has more votes, will be the winning team and the winning team will, during the final ranking, recieve 10000 extra votes as a benefit. Citixen producers, your votes are very important to them. Are you ready to enjoy their performances? Next up the two groups of trainees going against each other with The Orcs, please come on stage"

Both groups performed and they were really powerful on stage. You could definitely see the nervousness but, who wasn't nervous? We were all going to be on stage in front of the citizen producers for the first time.Xiao Gui's vocals definitely surprised me. I didn't know he could also sing so good.

When they came back to the room we congratulated them, but then I saw Dong Yanlei crying. I stood up and took him out of the room so that we didn't disturb the rest.

"Are you okay?" I asked him although it was obvious that he wasn't. He began crying more and I pulled him in for a hug. "You did really good, okay? You were truly amazing out there no matter the votes. You may have lost now, but maybe next time you will win! Don't let this discourage you. You have been working hard and showed it on stage. Just let the citizen producers get to know you more."

"Tha... thank you, Lin" He said and pulled away from the hug. 

"Don't mention it." I told him and we both went back inside once he had calmed down.

We were just in time to see the performances, so I went back again to my chair and grabbed Chengcheng's hand.

"What's with the hand thing?" He asked me smiling.

"I don't know. I'm nervous and it makes me feel more relaxed." I told him. "If it bothers you I'll stop, sorry."

"No, no! I have no problem with it. Just wondering." He said and squeezed my hand making me smile like an idiot.

I then looked at the screen. They were outstanding. I couldn't help but have my gaze fixed in Xingjie the whole time. He was so confident on stage and did so good that it amost looked like a professional stage.

Group B also did really well, but in my opinion their performance wasn't as uplifting as group A's.

They all came back as the ones performing The Great Artist left. Xingjie approached me when I called him and I pulled him in a hug. 

"Huba! Why didn't I know you were so confident on stage?" I asked him. "You were really good out there."

"Still with the Huba thing?" He asked and I nodded. "Anyways, thank you. I'm glad you like it. Good luck on your performance!" He said and left qith the rest of his gorup.

I then focused on group A's performace. Seeing Nongnong acting all sexy was quite a sight. He definitely was doing it great, but I was so used to seeing his cute and bubbly personality that seeing him acting sexy was weird. I'm sure his fans appreciated it, though.

After seeing group B's performance I once again felt that A was more powerful. They were still amazing, though.

"Nongnong!" I yelled like a fangirl when he got back to the room.

He suddenly got shy and blushed while we all laughed.

Codename Contra was next. Seeing Yanjun feeling himself while rapping made me really happy for some reason. He did really well along with his group. B group was amazing too. The high notes even gave me goosebumps.

When they came back I stood up and ran towards Yanjun.

"Congratulations, gege!" I said hugging him.

"Did you enjoy it?" He asked me pulling away from the hug.

"Enjoy? I loved it! You were feeling yourself out there!" I exclaimed and he laughed. "Even though your group didn't win, you were extremely good, you should know that.

Next up was Shake. I must say that performing a song with the original artist watching your every move at the back of the stage must be nerve wracking. They undoubtedly did good nonetheless.

Then, the long awaited PPAP performance came. I was really excited to see it as I got along really well with all of the boys from group A and I had seen Zhengting rehearsing it every night.

The transitions between the sexiness and the cuteness were outstanding but what really made me loose it was Zhengting acting cutely with Yanchen. I wasn't going to let him forget that ever.

Group B did well too, but they didn't look as fierce in the sexy parts which made it less outstanding compared to A's performance.

When they came back, I did the heart that Zhengting does during the dance and he ran towards me just to hit me. I laughed still and congratulated all of them. They thanked me, wished me good luck and went to their seats.

Get Ugly was next but honestly payed no attention to it as I was practicing our song over and over again on the backstage. We were the next ones.

"Hey, hey!" Chengcheng said but I ignored him until he grabbed my shoulders. "Lin, relax!" 

"But I'm really scared!" I said back. "What if I mess up? What if they don't like it? What if...?" I was interrupted by Chengcheng hugging me.

"You will do amazing. I know it. And I'll be there to catch you if you fall. Always."

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now