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After all the parts were divided and we listened to the song a few times, MC Jin told us we were free to go and that we would be rehearsing the next day at nine AM sharp. He then left and we began picking up our stuff.

"Your sweatshirts are the yellow ones." One of the staff told us. "We left a few stacks on the entrance to the staff building. Pick them up for tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you." We said and began leaving.

"Yesterday we went back so late that now I'm exhausted and I stink." Said Bu Fan as we headed to the staff building. "I was so tired this morning that I didn't even shower."

"Same here." Said Xiao Gui. "We shouldn't have come back at 1 am."

"At least you directly went to sleep." Told us Yanjun. "We were awake until like 3 am or so in our dorm."

"What on earth did you do until three?" Wondered Li Rang.

"We just did whatever. We gossiped a little, listened to music, played random games..." Yanjun explained.

"Why don't you all go to your rooms, then, and I go get the sweatshirts? I'll bring them to your rooms." I offered.

"Would you?" Asked Xinchun.

"Of course! I'm the leader after all." I said chuckling. "No, but really, I don't mind."

"Thank you!" Yanjun said and kissed my forehead. "You're the best!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I said with a smile on my face. "Leave before I regret it."

After thanking me eight hundred more times, they finally left and I headed to the staff building.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw the <Mask> team there along with Yixing.

"Hello, boys!" I said as I went to our stack. "Hello, PD!"

"Oh, hello, Lin!" Said PD. "The traitor!"

"How am I a traitor?" I said going through the sweatshirts to pick the boys' sizes. "What did I even do?"

"You decided to join another team! You should have been in ours!" Said PD and the rest nodded.

"Oh, come on, it's just a collaboration stage!" I said and pinched his cheeks. "Is PD jelly?"

"Quite." He said and jokingly pouted. "Have you got a problem with that?"

"Oh, don't be like that. I'll be cheering for your team." I said and turned around. All the boys were with their mouths wide open or looking confused. "What happened to all of you? Did you see a ghost?"

"You and PD...?" Stuttered Ruibin. "How...?"

"Well, he's my fake older brother! Right, Yixing?"

"Right, Linlin!" He said and high fived me. "Well be going now, but don't think I've forgiven you!"

"I never did!" I said before they left.

I then piked up the stack of sweatshirts and balanced them on my arms before heading out too.

Once I turned the corner I bumped into someone and all the sweatshirts fell.

"Sorry!" Said Jieqiong helping me pick all of them up. "I didn't see you, sorry!"

"Don't worry, it was just an accident." I reassured her.

"By the way, can I talk to you for a second?" She asked me and I nodded. She was alone, so we didn't have to go anywhere else. "I was wondering if you would like to have a sleepover with Cheng Xiao and I."

"Are you serious? Of course I'd love to!" I answer exited. "But where, though?"

"Cheng Xiao and I asked the staff for a key to one of the empty dorm rooms as we wanted to live here during this few days until the collaboration performance. We can all sleep there."

"Okay, then! I'm so excited!"

"Me too! Oh, by the way, put the sweatshirts on this bag." She said opening her purse and handing me one. "It will be a lot easier."

"Thank you." I said and put them inside. "I'll give it to you later."

"Don't worry. Also, I'll tell you the room number later. I don't remember it."

"Sure! See you later then."

"See you!"

I then left towards the rooms but was in such a good mood that I decided to stop at the kitchens to get some snacks for the boys.

"Longwei?" I asked as I went inside. "Zhou Longwei?"

"Hey, Lin!" He said going out of the kitchens and into the canteen. "Long time no see! Are you here to get some snacks for your teammates?"

"You guessed it right!" I said.

"Are you the leader this time or are you just too precious?" He asked ruffling my hair.

"Leader. Well, both. Have you seen me?" I said trying to look cute. "No, but really, I'm just in a good mood and want to treat them to something. They all went to sleep late and are really tired, so I want to make sure they are fully rested and ready to give their best for tomorrow's rehearsals."

"That's the spirit!" He told me. "Do you want to come in and help me prepare it? We were on our break right now."

"Yes, of course! Sorry for making you work during your break, though. If you show me what I can use, I can prepare it myself."

"Don't worry, it's okay! I don't mind preparing a bunch of snacks. It's not as if it were a full on meal or something."

Just then, I got a notification. It was Chengcheng.

丞丞宝贝♥ (Chengcheng baobei) :
Lin? Where are you? I have been searching for you."

林林宝宝 (Linlin baobao/baby) :
"Oh, I am at the kitchens. I am picking some snacks for my teammates."

Can you get me some too? Please~~~!

Fine... I will take long, though. I have to pass through all the member's dorms.

丞丞宝贝 ♥:
Don't worry. Love you!

Love you too ♥♥♥

" Your boyfriend? "Asked Longwei looking at my phone. "You have him saved as Chengcheng baobei and a heart? The diabetes..."

"Oh, come on!" I said hitting his arm before chuckling.

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now