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The first one to be called was obviously Cai Xukun. As he went out of the room everyone began betting on which song he would choose.

"It will obviously be <Mask>." I told Shengen and Chengcheng. "There is no way he'll pick another mentor."

Next up was Justin. As he stood up, Chengcheng asked him to tell him which song he was going to choose, but he instead didn't say a single word and left him guessing.

"I don't know why I act as if though I knew which song he'll choose. I have absolutely no clue." Chengcheng told me, making me chuckle.

"Isn't it too hot in here?" I asked as I was beginning to sweat.

"Take this." Said Chengcheng as he handed me his fan.

"What about you?" I asked him. "Don't worry, you can give it to me later."

"Thank you." I said cutely, hugging his arm.

The staff then called Chengcheng so he stood up to leave.

"I'll see you later." He said sending me a wink before leaving.

"You two are worse than a pack of sugar." Said Qin Fen.

"Qin Fen, cameras, shut up." I warned him sending him a death glare. The Citizen Producers weren't supposed to know we were dating.

"Oh, shit, sorry." He quickly apologized.

After all of the top nine had selected the song, it was Bu Fan's turn. He shocked everyone as they didn't know he actually got the 10th place again. Seeing their reactions, I laughed and Bu Fan and I did a little handshake.

"I'll see you now, right?" He asked me as I had told him the day before I wanted to try rap.

"Of course!"

He then sent me a wink and left.

A few minutes later, the staff called the eleventh place and I stood up, shocking everyone back again.

"I really hate you right now, Zhu Lin." Said Yue Yue from his place.

"I love you too!" I said leaving the room.


All of the mentors were monitoring the trainees selection of songs on another room.

"It's Linlin!" Said Cheng Xiao.

"She'll definitely go to one of your rooms." Said Ronghao pointing to Lay, Cheng Xiao and Jieqiong.

"I wish she would go to mine, honestly. Her rap is really powerful." MC Jin admitted.

"And her vocals too." Added Ronghao. "Whoever gets her, will have a really explosive stage."

Meanwhile, Lin went down the corridor fanning herself with Chengcheng's fan. She was sweating a little, but due to the rules, she couldn't take her sweatshirt off.

"Who turned the central heating on?" She said as she headed to the <Zero> room.

"Justin!" She then heard someone say, startling her.

"Fan Chengcheng, Justin went to another room, get over him! Your romance is over!" She joked.

"Linlin, come here. You won't regret it!"

"I have already made up my mind, sorry!"

"No, Lin, don't leave me!" He said dramatically as she went inside the room.

The mentors, who were monitoring, were shocked to see she chose <Zero>.

"Yes, Linlin's mine!" Said an excited MC Jin standing up.

"Well, that was unexpected." Said Ronghao.

"She betrayed me!" Said PD and the rest laughed.


"You are truly annoying to me." I heard Xiao Gui say as soon as I entered the room. They didn't even see me come in. I even sat down next to one of the mirrors without them noticing. The staff was laughing at this. "Let me tell you, coming to this show, there have been four stages. We have been in the same one three times! Three times in total! I can't stand it anymore!"

"You know, sometimes it's an arrangement by fate." Bu Fan told him.

"You two really are like Tom and Jerry, you know?" I finally spoke up, scaring them. "It feels like I'm watching the program."

"Since when are you here?" Asked a confused Xiao Gui.

"I don't know, a few minutes ago. Not long, though." I said and stood up. "Well, aren't you going to say anything or what? I feel unwelcomed."

"This feels like the <Listen to what I say> stage." Said Bu Fan completely ignoring me.

"Yah! Am I invisible or what!" I yelled jumping onto Bu Fan's back and hitting his head lightly.

"Okay, okay! Jeez! I'm glad get to share stage again!"

"Much better." I said jumping down and straightening my clothes as if nothing happened.

Then came Li Rang and I was happy to see him again after our departure from <Dream>, but I was especially excited when Yanjun came in.

"Yanjun!" I said jumping into his arms when he came in. He bare had time to react and we nearly fell to the floor.

"Dam, Lin, you are excited!" He said chuckling.

"Well, duh! We've never shared stage!" I reasoned with him.

"Fair enough." He said and ruffled my hair. "We are Ling's Lins!" (A/N: It's a pun on the song name and their surname and name. Although they are all written differently(零,林,琳), the pronunciation of all are really similar.)

"Don't start with the puns already!" I told him and he laughed.

"By the way, only five people?" He asked as he greeted the rest.

"Yes, so far only five. What number are you?" Asked Li Rang.

"I'm twenty eight."

"It's already twenty eight?" Asked Xiao Gui.

"Then no one wants to choose this song." Stated Li Rang. "Was it because the other ones were full that you decided to come to this one?"

"Three, four and five are not full yet." He told Li Rang. "Besides, I already told these three yesterday I wanted to do rap." He said pointing to us.

"Can we listen to the song?" I asked the staff and they played it for us. "Thank you."

Zhou Rui then suddenly came in and we were all shocked.

"Were there no other options? Do you feel helpless?" Bu Fan asked him.

"I just wanted to choose this one. Ever since I came here I said I wanted to rap and I was left with this one." He explained. "So there's still a spot left?"

A few minutes later, Huang Xinchun then came in, completing our group. I was really excited to work with all of them and to see how the performance was going to be.

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now