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"First I will announce rank 33 to 36."PD said before the name and the vote count appeared on the screen.

On 33rd place was Huang Xinchun, on 34 He Dongdong, on 35 Li Rang and on 36 Yu Mingjun.

"Next, I will announce the trainees from 29 to 32." PD continued.

On 29th place was Yang Feitong, on 30 Lou Zibo, on 31 Luo Zheng and on 32 Lu Dinghao.

"Next, ranks 25 through 28."

  On 25th place was Han Mubo, on 26 Zhou Rui, on 27 Ding Zeren and on 28 Yue Yue.  

As I was right behind Zeren, I quickly gave him a reasurring back hug.

"You worked hard, Zeren." I told him and he thanked me.

As he did his speech, I was holding back my tears. All of the <Listen To What I Say> group was up, but <Dream> wasn't and, although I ended up changing groups, the <Dream> team and I were specially close, so seeing some leaving made my heart ache.

As Han Mubo did his speech, I saw Qin Fen crying his heart out. He and Mubo were really close friends, so it hurt me deeply to see him crying.

"Next up, please announce the trainee in rank 24." Said PD before the name appeared on the screen.

It was Quanzhe so I also gave him a hug.

"加油 加油 (Jiayou, jiayou)." I said while hugging him. "You worked really hard, little hamster."

Next was rank 23. It was Ziyang. I didn't know him very much, but I still felt bad about the fact that the chance of being on the debuting stage slipped out of his hands by just a few spots.

"Next, please announce rank 23." PD said.

I had a feeling that it would be me although I still hoped and prayed it wasn't.

I then looked up at the screen.

Zhu Lin  |  973,562

At that moment I paralized. Although I had expected I would be leaving, seeing how close I was to making it made it even harder. All sorts of thoughts came to my mind in what the rest saw as only a few seconds but felt like hours to me.

It was then my time to do the speech so I took the microphone as Zeren, Quanzhe and Xinchun encouraged me.

"I had nothing to lose, right? This now should be the moment to start thanking everyone, but you already know I am thankful so I'm going to skip that part." I said trying to lift the mood. "What I want to say is that I'm really happy for all of you who made it to the top 20 and I hope you continue working hard. We use the word leaving and it seems like we will never see each other again, so I would much rather say we are taking another path from now on. I will continue cheering for you while I try to live my dream. I was born to be on a stage, so I must work hard for it.

"Also, going back to what Zhou Rui said earlier, I sing, dance, rap, compose,play instruments, I am a decent presenter and you already saw my acting not that long ago so please, hit me up, anyone. I need to earn a living." I said and the boys laughed while Zhou Rui gave me a high five. 

"You could get two for the price of want if you want to!" He said to the mic while he had an arm around my shoulder.

"No, but really. I hope all of you keep working hard and don't slack off or else I will come here to make sure you do. I will cheer for you, 加油!"

After that, I sat back down and looked up at the boys that were already up while PD told Yanchen and Ruibin to go on stage to see who had passed and who hadn't.

I began checking their expressions one by one. Xukun was looking at me with the saddest eyes I had ever seen while crying, Linong was telling me it was okay from his seat and then, Chengcheng.

His eyes looked dead, he didn't move, he didn't cry, he didn't even blink. It was almost as if though he saw death. Suddenly he looked at me and a single tear rolled down his left eye. 我爱你 he told me from his seat.

That was my trigger. As soon as he said that, I began sobbing although I didn't shed any tears. I had to cover my face and tried to stop the sounds although it was almost impossible.

I continued like that throughout the entire thing, not even realising PD already revealed Ruibin was the owner of the 20th place.

"Lin, it's okay." Zeren told me as PD announced it had ended and led the bow. "It's okay to cry."

"No it's not. I don't want to be a crybaby." I told him.

"Remember what you told me once?Don't stop them, it's okay. Think of all those tears as a cleanse. All the negativity and bad feelings you are feeling, let them go with them. You are far stronger than those votes. " The fact that Quanzhe still remembered every word I said was what made me break down and cry.

On that instant, he layed my head on his shoulder for me to cry on as Zeren reassurringly rubbed my back.

Quanzhe then broke the hug and I looked up to see Chengcheng there. I immediately stood up although I didn't know why. It was as if my body responded on its own.

He then hugged me and I cried even harder.

"I'm sorry. I didn't work hard enough." I told him. "I should have worked harder. Maybe I should have stayed up until later and practiced more. I should have payed more attention to the little details and-"

"Stop saying stupid things, okay?!" He told me sternly. "YOU already worked really hard, YOU only slept three hours, if not less, each day to stay up practicing, YOU volunteered yourself to leave so that none of us had to go through learning another song. If that isn't working hard, I don't know what is."

He then hugged me back again and ran his fingers through my hair.

"I don't want you to leave, Lin. I want to be with you." He told me.

"I don't want to leave either." I told him. "I want to stay with you forever."

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now