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The day of the performances arrived and everyone was busy with their last minute rehearsals. I, on the other hand, could be seen running back and forth between practice rooms every few minutes. Some of the boys from the other groups who were going for a walk or going to the bathroom and saw me running either laughed or told me to cheer up. Even so, I still did my best during all the rehearsals.

During lunch time, instead of going to the canteen with the rest of the boys, I stayed with Jieqiong as she told me she wanted to add some finishing touches to the performance. She was already pleased with how it looked, but she asked me to give the performance a surprising touch to make it more memorable.

We sat down, me on the floor and her on a chair, eating some dumplings my mother had sent me from home.

"So, what were you thinking of?" I asked her and took a bite of the dumpling.

"To be honest and to go straight to the point, I want you to kiss Chengcheng during the performance." She blurted out as if it was nothing.

"What the hell, Jieqiong?!" I asked her, nearly choking on the dumpling. 

"You are dating, you idiot!" She said laughing at my reaction. "What's wrong about kissing him in front of the Citizen producers? You already did it once!"

"But this is different! Why not on the cheek?" I suggested, becoming as red as a tomato.

"Yeah, of course. I see two secret agents in the middle of a mission kissing on the cheek. And what next, you hand him a homemade cake? Are you really that naïve?" She said and smacked me in the back of the head.

"But... when?" I said completely giving up in trying to convince her to not do it.

"You know when you pull him from his shirt and then the rest do the same but in front of both of you?" She said and I nodded. "Well, do it then. That way it won't last long as the rest of the boys will cover both of you quickly. I still expect a few screams from the Citizen Producers. I mean, I would scream if I were them."

"Why do you want to do this, though? Is there a particular reason?"

"Honestly? Yes. All of the other stages are with the mentors which will make it memorable. Ours, on the other hand, is a normal stage due to my sprained ankle. I want to make sure all of your hard work is noticed by the Citizen Producers. I don't want the boys to go unnoticed all because of me." She said tearing up.

I then gave her a tight hug, reassuring her it wasn't her fault at all. It had just been an accident. Why would she believe it was her fault? This stage, also, didn't affect the rankings directly, so there was no need for her to feel pressured.


We were half an hour away from the performance time and we were getting our makeup and hair done. I was first performing with the <Zero> team and right after that performance, I had to perform with the <Agent J> team. The makeup artist was doing my makeup which was the hardest part as for my hair, I only had to put it in a ponytail. They had to dye my hair black back again to fit the performance. I missed my fiery orange hair. Finally, unlike the ones of the boys, my outfit was a jumpsuit. It had the same pattern as theirs'. 

"No matter if I am not here, ask for Ximen, AKA: me. I have done your makeup so that I only have to do little touches over it and I don't need to take anything off. That way, it will be quicker." The makeup artist told me.

"Can't we do that too, Ximen?" The makeup artist on the booth to my right asked him.

"Yes, but I already made my mind on what I want to do, so I can go quicker." He explained.

"Thank you very much." I told him and stood up.

I then changed clothes. I would be wearing the shorts and the top for the other performance underneath, that way I would only need to take the jumpsuit off, change shoes and put on the leather jacket.

Once I was done, I went to the waiting room whre the rest of <Zero> was, including MC Jin.

"Here you are!" Said MC Jin greeting me. "We were waiting for you."

"Sorry. You know they take longer to do my makeup." I apologized.

"No worries! I was just joking." He told me and turned to the rest. "Guys, are you ready?!"

"We were born ready!" Xiao Gui exclaimed confdently.

"On a more serious note," Jin began "I know this is the last stage for some of you, so I don't want any of you to be discouraged. I  want you all to make the best of this. Make sure to have fun with this stage and not regret anything."

After he said that, we all did our Fat Mantis cheer and then he left with the rest of the mentors as the show was about to begin.

We then all headed to the waiting room, but not before sending our cheers to the first group, which was the <24k Magic & Havana remix> team. Once we were in the waiting room, we sat down in our assigned seats. My team was assigned the row behind the <Agent J> team, so I sat down behind Chengcheng.

Zhou Rui was chatting with Li Rang and Xinchun so I was left a little bit alone. I then decided to lean forward, gave Chengcheng a little back hug and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Hey, little princess." He said and pecked my cheek. "Are you nervous?"

"A bit." I said pouting a little. "It's my last stage."

"Shut it." He said and pecked my lips this time before whispering in my ear. "We both know that isn't true. There is the final performance."

"But still it is the last performance with all of you." I reasoned.

"Then you better make the best of it. Make it unforgettable." He told me.

"Don't worry. I'm pretty sure I will." I told him with a smirk as he had no clue about what was going to happen during our performance together.

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now