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When our turn came, we all went on stage. Seeing all the citizen producers there made me nervous but also really excited. I saw that some people were raising some banners with my name on them so I quickly smiled at them and gave them a finger heart. I then stood in between PD and Chengcheng.

"Hello everyone, we are...!" Chaoze began our greeting.

"Snow prince!" The boys said and bowed.

"And princess!" I quickly said smiling and bowed.

PD giggled onto the mic and we then proceeded to do our self introductions.

"Hello, everyone! I'm one of the centers of the group, lead dancer and your one and only girl, Zhu Lin!" I said and bowed.

The crowd then began screaming and I couldn't help but feel extremely happy.

"Hello, everyone! I'm the other center of the group, Fan Chengcheng." Chengcheng introduced himself.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Justin from Yehua and I'm in charge of rap in here." Justin said and bowed.

"Hello, everyone! I'm You Zhangjing, from Malaysia and in this performance I am the lead vocal. Thank you." Zhangjing introduced himself.

"Hello, everyone. I am the Tanned Little Superhero, Lin Chaoze. I am the leader in the group. It's the first time we are meeting, please take care of us." Said Chaoze.

"Hello, everyone. I am Zheng Ruibin from the Central Academy of Drama. I hope that everyone can enjoy this stage tonight together with us. We will do our best performance for you guys." He Said.

It was then group B's turn to introduce themselves. Once they finished, it was our turn to perform.

We began performing and my nervousness faded away when Chengcheng and I did the first part of the dance. We had decided to keep what we did the day we were choosing the center.

When he pulled me and we looked into each other's eyes, I felt at ease suddenly. He made me feel calm in just a second. He had that effect on me.

The crowd began cheering and screaming which made me really happy. I was glad our dance was having the effect we desired.

We continued the performance until the chorus came and we did our dance solo. The crowd erupted yet again in cheers an when the end came, Chengcheng unexpectedly gave me a kiss on the cheek before we went to the next spots. The crowd was going crazy by that point.

The performance continued without any problems and for the ending pose we placed our foreheads together and smiled. The crowd cheered for us again which made us both grin while looking at each other's eyes.

I then realized something. That tingling feeling I got whenever I was around him, seeing him in a different way than a friend, enjoying physical contact with him and, above all, my desire to pull him in for a kiss only meant one thing.

I had fallen for Chengcheng.

We parted and quickly left as PD went on stage to introduce B group. The boys started screaming from excitement and I laughed at them.

"You two!" Zhangjing suddenly said looking at Chengcheng and I. "Just kiss already!"

The others laughed and I blushed like crazy. Was it that obvious?

"It looked even better than during the rehearsals." Chaoze said. "And your gazes... Oh my God !" He said pretending to faint.

I then focused on the other team's performance although the boys continued talking about me and Chengcheng. They did amazing, honestly.

"After watching the performances from A and B, do the citizen producers have an answer already?" PD said once we were all back on stage.

Then it was the time to rally votes. B group began and we followed, Justin being in charge of doing it. He called our group Ice Prince (and princess ) instead of Snow Prince (and princess) which made us all laugh.

Once the voting time finished, we headed to the results announced area and waiting for the results to be announced.

"Regardless of the results, I want to tell all of you that you were amazing out there." I told the B group.

Just when I finished saying that, a countdown appeared on the screen and we all looked at it. Once it reached 1, I took Chengcheng's left hand and placed it on my lap while intertwining our fingers just like I had previously done.

Han Mubo had beaten Zhangjing by 6 points and I was honestly disappointed. He was a really good singer and I thought he would win.

Ling Chao also defeated Ruibin and our prospects weren't so good by that point.

Chaoze managed to beat Xu Shengen but not by much. I was happy that he won, but not so happy about the points he got.

Then Justin and Qin Fen's votes were announced. Justin had beaten him 86 to 35 and we were all shocked.

Then was Chengcheng's turn. He got 99 votes and Jeffrey got 30 votes. I turned and hugged him tightly.

Finally, it was time to announce my results. They had left me for the last one.

18 appeared on the screen.

To say I was depressed was honestly an understatement. Didn't I work hard enough? Wasn't I good enough?

Dreams come true - Idol Producer Fan Chengcheng FF (RESQ SAGA PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now